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Current File : /var/www/html/marc-drupal/modules/aggregator/../update/update.test

 * @file
 * This file contains tests for the Update Manager module.
 * The overarching methodology of these tests is we need to compare a given
 * state of installed modules and themes (e.g., version, project grouping,
 * timestamps, etc) against a current state of what the release history XML
 * files we fetch say is available. We have dummy XML files (in the
 * modules/update/tests directory) that describe various scenarios of what's
 * available for different test projects, and we have dummy .info file data
 * (specified via hook_system_info_alter() in the update_test helper module)
 * describing what's currently installed. Each test case defines a set of
 * projects to install, their current state (via the 'update_test_system_info'
 * variable) and the desired available update data (via the
 * 'update_test_xml_map' variable), and then performs a series of assertions
 * that the report matches our expectations given the specific initial state and
 * availability scenario.

 * Defines some shared functions used by all update tests.
class UpdateTestHelper extends DrupalWebTestCase {

   * Refreshes the update status based on the desired available update scenario.
   * @param $xml_map
   *   Array that maps project names to availability scenarios to fetch. The key
   *   '#all' is used if a project-specific mapping is not defined.
   * @param $url
   *   (optional) A string containing the URL to fetch update data from.
   *   Defaults to 'update-test'.
   * @see update_test_mock_page()
  protected function refreshUpdateStatus($xml_map, $url = 'update-test') {
    // Tell the Update Manager module to fetch from the URL provided by
    // update_test module.
    variable_set('update_fetch_url', url($url, array('absolute' => TRUE)));
    // Save the map for update_test_mock_page() to use.
    variable_set('update_test_xml_map', $xml_map);
    // Manually check the update status.

   * Runs a series of assertions that are applicable to all update statuses.
  protected function standardTests() {
    $this->assertRaw('<h3>' . t('Drupal core') . '</h3>');
    $this->assertRaw(l(t('Drupal'), 'http://example.com/project/drupal'), 'Link to the Drupal project appears.');
    $this->assertNoText(t('No available releases found'));


 * Tests behavior related to discovering and listing updates to Drupal core.
class UpdateCoreTestCase extends UpdateTestHelper {

  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Update core functionality',
      'description' => 'Tests the Update Manager module through a series of functional tests using mock XML data.',
      'group' => 'Update',

  function setUp() {
    parent::setUp('update_test', 'update');
    $admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer site configuration', 'administer modules'));

   * Tests the Update Manager module when no updates are available.
  function testNoUpdatesAvailable() {
    $this->refreshUpdateStatus(array('drupal' => '0'));
    $this->assertText(t('Up to date'));
    $this->assertNoText(t('Update available'));
    $this->assertNoText(t('Security update required!'));

   * Tests the Update Manager module when one normal update is available.
  function testNormalUpdateAvailable() {
    $this->refreshUpdateStatus(array('drupal' => '1'));
    $this->assertNoText(t('Up to date'));
    $this->assertText(t('Update available'));
    $this->assertNoText(t('Security update required!'));
    $this->assertRaw(l('7.1', 'http://example.com/drupal-7-1-release'), 'Link to release appears.');
    $this->assertRaw(l(t('Download'), 'http://example.com/drupal-7-1.tar.gz'), 'Link to download appears.');
    $this->assertRaw(l(t('Release notes'), 'http://example.com/drupal-7-1-release'), 'Link to release notes appears.');

   * Tests the Update Manager module when a security update is available.
  function testSecurityUpdateAvailable() {
    $this->refreshUpdateStatus(array('drupal' => '2-sec'));
    $this->assertNoText(t('Up to date'));
    $this->assertNoText(t('Update available'));
    $this->assertText(t('Security update required!'));
    $this->assertRaw(l('7.2', 'http://example.com/drupal-7-2-release'), 'Link to release appears.');
    $this->assertRaw(l(t('Download'), 'http://example.com/drupal-7-2.tar.gz'), 'Link to download appears.');
    $this->assertRaw(l(t('Release notes'), 'http://example.com/drupal-7-2-release'), 'Link to release notes appears.');

   * Ensures proper results where there are date mismatches among modules.
  function testDatestampMismatch() {
    $system_info = array(
      '#all' => array(
        // We need to think we're running a -dev snapshot to see dates.
        'version' => '7.0-dev',
        'datestamp' => time(),
      'block' => array(
        // This is 2001-09-09 01:46:40 GMT, so test for "2001-Sep-".
        'datestamp' => '1000000000',
    variable_set('update_test_system_info', $system_info);
    $this->refreshUpdateStatus(array('drupal' => 'dev'));
    $this->assertText(t('Up to date'));
    $this->assertNoText(t('Update available'));
    $this->assertNoText(t('Security update required!'));

   * Checks that running cron updates the list of available updates.
  function testModulePageRunCron() {
    variable_set('update_fetch_url', url('update-test', array('absolute' => TRUE)));
    variable_set('update_test_xml_map', array('drupal' => '0'));

    $this->assertNoText(t('No update information available.'));

   * Checks the messages at admin/modules when the site is up to date.
  function testModulePageUpToDate() {
    // Instead of using refreshUpdateStatus(), set these manually.
    variable_set('update_fetch_url', url('update-test', array('absolute' => TRUE)));
    variable_set('update_test_xml_map', array('drupal' => '0'));

    $this->clickLink(t('Check manually'));
    $this->assertText(t('Checked available update data for one project.'));
    $this->assertNoText(t('There are updates available for your version of Drupal.'));
    $this->assertNoText(t('There is a security update available for your version of Drupal.'));

   * Checks the messages at admin/modules when an update is missing.
  function testModulePageRegularUpdate() {
    // Instead of using refreshUpdateStatus(), set these manually.
    variable_set('update_fetch_url', url('update-test', array('absolute' => TRUE)));
    variable_set('update_test_xml_map', array('drupal' => '1'));

    $this->clickLink(t('Check manually'));
    $this->assertText(t('Checked available update data for one project.'));
    $this->assertText(t('There are updates available for your version of Drupal.'));
    $this->assertNoText(t('There is a security update available for your version of Drupal.'));

   * Checks the messages at admin/modules when a security update is missing.
  function testModulePageSecurityUpdate() {
    // Instead of using refreshUpdateStatus(), set these manually.
    variable_set('update_fetch_url', url('update-test', array('absolute' => TRUE)));
    variable_set('update_test_xml_map', array('drupal' => '2-sec'));

    $this->clickLink(t('Check manually'));
    $this->assertText(t('Checked available update data for one project.'));
    $this->assertNoText(t('There are updates available for your version of Drupal.'));
    $this->assertText(t('There is a security update available for your version of Drupal.'));

    // Make sure admin/appearance warns you you're missing a security update.
    $this->assertNoText(t('There are updates available for your version of Drupal.'));
    $this->assertText(t('There is a security update available for your version of Drupal.'));

    // Make sure duplicate messages don't appear on Update status pages.
    // We're expecting "There is a security update..." inside the status report
    // itself, but the drupal_set_message() appears as an li so we can prefix
    // with that and search for the raw HTML.
    $this->assertNoRaw('<li>' . t('There is a security update available for your version of Drupal.'));

    $this->assertNoText(t('There is a security update available for your version of Drupal.'));

    $this->assertNoText(t('There is a security update available for your version of Drupal.'));

   * Tests the Update Manager module when the update server returns 503 errors.
  function testServiceUnavailable() {
    $this->refreshUpdateStatus(array(), '503-error');
    // Ensure that no "Warning: SimpleXMLElement..." parse errors are found.
    $this->assertUniqueText(t('Failed to get available update data for one project.'));

   * Tests that exactly one fetch task per project is created and not more.
  function testFetchTasks() {
    $projecta = array(
      'name' => 'aaa_update_test',
    $projectb = array(
      'name' => 'bbb_update_test',
    $queue = DrupalQueue::get('update_fetch_tasks');
    $this->assertEqual($queue->numberOfItems(), 0, 'Queue is empty');
    $this->assertEqual($queue->numberOfItems(), 1, 'Queue contains one item');
    $this->assertEqual($queue->numberOfItems(), 2, 'Queue contains two items');
    // Try to add project a again.
    $this->assertEqual($queue->numberOfItems(), 2, 'Queue still contains two items');

    // Clear cache and try again.
    $this->assertEqual($queue->numberOfItems(), 2, 'Queue contains two items');

   * Sets the version to 7.0 when no project-specific mapping is defined.
  protected function setSystemInfo7_0() {
    $setting = array(
      '#all' => array(
        'version' => '7.0',
    variable_set('update_test_system_info', $setting);


 * Tests behavior related to handling updates to contributed modules and themes.
class UpdateTestContribCase extends UpdateTestHelper {

  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Update contrib functionality',
      'description' => 'Tests how the Update Manager module handles contributed modules and themes in a series of functional tests using mock XML data.',
      'group' => 'Update',

  function setUp() {
    parent::setUp('update_test', 'update', 'aaa_update_test', 'bbb_update_test', 'ccc_update_test');
    $admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer site configuration'));

   * Tests when there is no available release data for a contrib module.
  function testNoReleasesAvailable() {
    $system_info = array(
      '#all' => array(
        'version' => '7.0',
      'aaa_update_test' => array(
        'project' => 'aaa_update_test',
        'version' => '7.x-1.0',
        'hidden' => FALSE,
    variable_set('update_test_system_info', $system_info);
    $this->refreshUpdateStatus(array('drupal' => '0', 'aaa_update_test' => 'no-releases'));
    // Cannot use $this->standardTests() because we need to check for the
    // 'No available releases found' string.
    $this->assertRaw('<h3>' . t('Drupal core') . '</h3>');
    $this->assertRaw(l(t('Drupal'), 'http://example.com/project/drupal'));
    $this->assertText(t('Up to date'));
    $this->assertRaw('<h3>' . t('Modules') . '</h3>');
    $this->assertNoText(t('Update available'));
    $this->assertText(t('No available releases found'));
    $this->assertNoRaw(l(t('AAA Update test'), 'http://example.com/project/aaa_update_test'));

   * Tests the basic functionality of a contrib module on the status report.
  function testUpdateContribBasic() {
    $system_info = array(
      '#all' => array(
        'version' => '7.0',
      'aaa_update_test' => array(
        'project' => 'aaa_update_test',
        'version' => '7.x-1.0',
        'hidden' => FALSE,
    variable_set('update_test_system_info', $system_info);
        'drupal' => '0',
        'aaa_update_test' => '1_0',
    $this->assertText(t('Up to date'));
    $this->assertRaw('<h3>' . t('Modules') . '</h3>');
    $this->assertNoText(t('Update available'));
    $this->assertRaw(l(t('AAA Update test'), 'http://example.com/project/aaa_update_test'), 'Link to aaa_update_test project appears.');

   * Tests that contrib projects are ordered by project name.
   * If a project contains multiple modules, we want to make sure that the
   * available updates report is sorted by the parent project names, not by the
   * names of the modules included in each project. In this test case, we have
   * two contrib projects, "BBB Update test" and "CCC Update test". However, we
   * have a module called "aaa_update_test" that's part of the "CCC Update test"
   * project. We need to make sure that we see the "BBB" project before the
   * "CCC" project, even though "CCC" includes a module that's processed first
   * if you sort alphabetically by module name (which is the order we see things
   * inside system_rebuild_module_data() for example).
  function testUpdateContribOrder() {
    // We want core to be version 7.0.
    $system_info = array(
      '#all' => array(
        'version' => '7.0',
      // All the rest should be visible as contrib modules at version 7.x-1.0.

      // aaa_update_test needs to be part of the "CCC Update test" project,
      // which would throw off the report if we weren't properly sorting by
      // the project names.
      'aaa_update_test' => array(
        'project' => 'ccc_update_test',
        'version' => '7.x-1.0',
        'hidden' => FALSE,

      // This should be its own project, and listed first on the report.
      'bbb_update_test' => array(
        'project' => 'bbb_update_test',
        'version' => '7.x-1.0',
        'hidden' => FALSE,

      // This will contain both aaa_update_test and ccc_update_test, and
      // should come after the bbb_update_test project.
      'ccc_update_test' => array(
        'project' => 'ccc_update_test',
        'version' => '7.x-1.0',
        'hidden' => FALSE,
    variable_set('update_test_system_info', $system_info);
    $this->refreshUpdateStatus(array('drupal' => '0', '#all' => '1_0'));
    // We're expecting the report to say all projects are up to date.
    $this->assertText(t('Up to date'));
    $this->assertNoText(t('Update available'));
    // We want to see all 3 module names listed, since they'll show up either
    // as project names or as modules under the "Includes" listing.
    $this->assertText(t('AAA Update test'));
    $this->assertText(t('BBB Update test'));
    $this->assertText(t('CCC Update test'));
    // We want aaa_update_test included in the ccc_update_test project, not as
    // its own project on the report.
    $this->assertNoRaw(l(t('AAA Update test'), 'http://example.com/project/aaa_update_test'), 'Link to aaa_update_test project does not appear.');
    // The other two should be listed as projects.
    $this->assertRaw(l(t('BBB Update test'), 'http://example.com/project/bbb_update_test'), 'Link to bbb_update_test project appears.');
    $this->assertRaw(l(t('CCC Update test'), 'http://example.com/project/ccc_update_test'), 'Link to bbb_update_test project appears.');

    // We want to make sure we see the BBB project before the CCC project.
    // Instead of just searching for 'BBB Update test' or something, we want
    // to use the full markup that starts the project entry itself, so that
    // we're really testing that the project listings are in the right order.
    $bbb_project_link = '<div class="project"><a href="http://example.com/project/bbb_update_test">BBB Update test</a>';
    $ccc_project_link = '<div class="project"><a href="http://example.com/project/ccc_update_test">CCC Update test</a>';
    $this->assertTrue(strpos($this->drupalGetContent(), $bbb_project_link) < strpos($this->drupalGetContent(), $ccc_project_link), "'BBB Update test' project is listed before the 'CCC Update test' project");

   * Tests that subthemes are notified about security updates for base themes.
  function testUpdateBaseThemeSecurityUpdate() {
    // Only enable the subtheme, not the base theme.
      ->fields(array('status' => 1))
      ->condition('type', 'theme')
      ->condition('name', 'update_test_subtheme')

    // Define the initial state for core and the subtheme.
    $system_info = array(
      // We want core to be version 7.0.
      '#all' => array(
        'version' => '7.0',
      // Show the update_test_basetheme
      'update_test_basetheme' => array(
        'project' => 'update_test_basetheme',
        'version' => '7.x-1.0',
        'hidden' => FALSE,
      // Show the update_test_subtheme
      'update_test_subtheme' => array(
        'project' => 'update_test_subtheme',
        'version' => '7.x-1.0',
        'hidden' => FALSE,
    variable_set('update_test_system_info', $system_info);
    $xml_mapping = array(
      'drupal' => '0',
      'update_test_subtheme' => '1_0',
      'update_test_basetheme' => '1_1-sec',
    $this->assertText(t('Security update required!'));
    $this->assertRaw(l(t('Update test base theme'), 'http://example.com/project/update_test_basetheme'), 'Link to the Update test base theme project appears.');

   * Tests that disabled themes are only shown when desired.
  function testUpdateShowDisabledThemes() {
    // Make sure all the update_test_* themes are disabled.
      ->fields(array('status' => 0))
      ->condition('type', 'theme')
      ->condition('name', 'update_test_%', 'LIKE')

    // Define the initial state for core and the test contrib themes.
    $system_info = array(
      // We want core to be version 7.0.
      '#all' => array(
        'version' => '7.0',
      // The update_test_basetheme should be visible and up to date.
      'update_test_basetheme' => array(
        'project' => 'update_test_basetheme',
        'version' => '7.x-1.1',
        'hidden' => FALSE,
      // The update_test_subtheme should be visible and up to date.
      'update_test_subtheme' => array(
        'project' => 'update_test_subtheme',
        'version' => '7.x-1.0',
        'hidden' => FALSE,
    // When there are contributed modules in the site's file system, the
    // total number of attempts made in the test may exceed the default value
    // of update_max_fetch_attempts. Therefore this variable is set very high
    // to avoid test failures in those cases.
    variable_set('update_max_fetch_attempts', 99999);
    variable_set('update_test_system_info', $system_info);
    $xml_mapping = array(
      'drupal' => '0',
      'update_test_subtheme' => '1_0',
      'update_test_basetheme' => '1_1-sec',
    $base_theme_project_link = l(t('Update test base theme'), 'http://example.com/project/update_test_basetheme');
    $sub_theme_project_link = l(t('Update test subtheme'), 'http://example.com/project/update_test_subtheme');
    foreach (array(TRUE, FALSE) as $check_disabled) {
      variable_set('update_check_disabled', $check_disabled);
      // In neither case should we see the "Themes" heading for enabled themes.
      if ($check_disabled) {
        $this->assertText(t('Disabled themes'));
        $this->assertRaw($base_theme_project_link, 'Link to the Update test base theme project appears.');
        $this->assertRaw($sub_theme_project_link, 'Link to the Update test subtheme project appears.');
      else {
        $this->assertNoText(t('Disabled themes'));
        $this->assertNoRaw($base_theme_project_link, 'Link to the Update test base theme project does not appear.');
        $this->assertNoRaw($sub_theme_project_link, 'Link to the Update test subtheme project does not appear.');

   * Makes sure that if we fetch from a broken URL, sane things happen.
  function testUpdateBrokenFetchURL() {
    $system_info = array(
      '#all' => array(
        'version' => '7.0',
      'aaa_update_test' => array(
        'project' => 'aaa_update_test',
        'version' => '7.x-1.0',
        'hidden' => FALSE,
      'bbb_update_test' => array(
        'project' => 'bbb_update_test',
        'version' => '7.x-1.0',
        'hidden' => FALSE,
      'ccc_update_test' => array(
        'project' => 'ccc_update_test',
        'version' => '7.x-1.0',
        'hidden' => FALSE,
    variable_set('update_test_system_info', $system_info);

    $xml_mapping = array(
      'drupal' => '0',
      'aaa_update_test' => '1_0',
      'bbb_update_test' => 'does-not-exist',
      'ccc_update_test' => '1_0',

    $this->assertText(t('Up to date'));
    // We're expecting the report to say most projects are up to date, so we
    // hope that 'Up to date' is not unique.
    $this->assertNoUniqueText(t('Up to date'));
    // It should say we failed to get data, not that we're missing an update.
    $this->assertNoText(t('Update available'));

    // We need to check that this string is found as part of a project row,
    // not just in the "Failed to get available update data for ..." message
    // at the top of the page.
    $this->assertRaw('<div class="version-status">' . t('Failed to get available update data'));

    // We should see the output messages from fetching manually.
    $this->assertUniqueText(t('Checked available update data for 3 projects.'));
    $this->assertUniqueText(t('Failed to get available update data for one project.'));

    // The other two should be listed as projects.
    $this->assertRaw(l(t('AAA Update test'), 'http://example.com/project/aaa_update_test'), 'Link to aaa_update_test project appears.');
    $this->assertNoRaw(l(t('BBB Update test'), 'http://example.com/project/bbb_update_test'), 'Link to bbb_update_test project does not appear.');
    $this->assertRaw(l(t('CCC Update test'), 'http://example.com/project/ccc_update_test'), 'Link to bbb_update_test project appears.');

   * Checks that hook_update_status_alter() works to change a status.
   * We provide the same external data as if aaa_update_test 7.x-1.0 were
   * installed and that was the latest release. Then we use
   * hook_update_status_alter() to try to mark this as missing a security
   * update, then assert if we see the appropriate warnings on the right pages.
  function testHookUpdateStatusAlter() {
    variable_set('allow_authorize_operations', TRUE);
    $update_admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer site configuration', 'administer software updates'));

    $system_info = array(
      '#all' => array(
        'version' => '7.0',
      'aaa_update_test' => array(
        'project' => 'aaa_update_test',
        'version' => '7.x-1.0',
        'hidden' => FALSE,
    variable_set('update_test_system_info', $system_info);
    $update_status = array(
      'aaa_update_test' => array(
        'status' => UPDATE_NOT_SECURE,
    variable_set('update_test_update_status', $update_status);
        'drupal' => '0',
        'aaa_update_test' => '1_0',
    $this->assertRaw('<h3>' . t('Modules') . '</h3>');
    $this->assertText(t('Security update required!'));
    $this->assertRaw(l(t('AAA Update test'), 'http://example.com/project/aaa_update_test'), 'Link to aaa_update_test project appears.');

    // Visit the reports page again without the altering and make sure the
    // status is back to normal.
    variable_set('update_test_update_status', array());
    $this->assertRaw('<h3>' . t('Modules') . '</h3>');
    $this->assertNoText(t('Security update required!'));
    $this->assertRaw(l(t('AAA Update test'), 'http://example.com/project/aaa_update_test'), 'Link to aaa_update_test project appears.');

    // Turn the altering back on and visit the Update manager UI.
    variable_set('update_test_update_status', $update_status);
    $this->assertText(t('Security update'));

    // Turn the altering back off and visit the Update manager UI.
    variable_set('update_test_update_status', array());
    $this->assertNoText(t('Security update'));


 * Tests project upload and extract functionality.
class UpdateTestUploadCase extends UpdateTestHelper {

  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Upload and extract module functionality',
      'description' => 'Tests the Update Manager module\'s upload and extraction functionality.',
      'group' => 'Update',

  public function setUp() {
    parent::setUp('update', 'update_test');
    variable_set('allow_authorize_operations', TRUE);
    $admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array('administer software updates', 'administer site configuration'));

   * Tests upload and extraction of a module.
  public function testUploadModule() {
    // Images are not valid archives, so get one and try to install it. We
    // need an extra variable to store the result of drupalGetTestFiles()
    // since reset() takes an argument by reference and passing in a constant
    // emits a notice in strict mode.
    $imageTestFiles = $this->drupalGetTestFiles('image');
    $invalidArchiveFile = reset($imageTestFiles);
    $edit = array(
      'files[project_upload]' => $invalidArchiveFile->uri,
    // This also checks that the correct archive extensions are allowed.
    $this->drupalPost('admin/modules/install', $edit, t('Install'));
    $this->assertText(t('Only files with the following extensions are allowed: @archive_extensions.', array('@archive_extensions' => archiver_get_extensions())),'Only valid archives can be uploaded.');

    // Check to ensure an existing module can't be reinstalled. Also checks that
    // the archive was extracted since we can't know if the module is already
    // installed until after extraction.
    $validArchiveFile = drupal_get_path('module', 'update') . '/tests/aaa_update_test.tar.gz';
    $edit = array(
      'files[project_upload]' => $validArchiveFile,
    $this->drupalPost('admin/modules/install', $edit, t('Install'));
    $this->assertText(t('@module_name is already installed.', array('@module_name' => 'AAA Update test')), 'Existing module was extracted and not reinstalled.');

   * Ensures that archiver extensions are properly merged in the UI.
  function testFileNameExtensionMerging() {
    // Make sure the bogus extension supported by update_test.module is there.
    $this->assertPattern('/file extensions are supported:.*update-test-extension/', "Found 'update-test-extension' extension");
    // Make sure it didn't clobber the first option from core.
    $this->assertPattern('/file extensions are supported:.*tar/', "Found 'tar' extension");

   * Checks the messages on update manager pages when missing a security update.
  function testUpdateManagerCoreSecurityUpdateMessages() {
    $setting = array(
      '#all' => array(
        'version' => '7.0',
    variable_set('update_test_system_info', $setting);
    variable_set('update_fetch_url', url('update-test', array('absolute' => TRUE)));
    variable_set('update_test_xml_map', array('drupal' => '2-sec'));
    // Initialize the update status.

    // Now, make sure none of the Update manager pages have duplicate messages
    // about core missing a security update.

    $this->assertNoText(t('There is a security update available for your version of Drupal.'));

    $this->assertNoText(t('There is a security update available for your version of Drupal.'));

    $this->assertNoText(t('There is a security update available for your version of Drupal.'));

    $this->assertNoText(t('There is a security update available for your version of Drupal.'));

    $this->assertNoText(t('There is a security update available for your version of Drupal.'));

    $this->assertNoText(t('There is a security update available for your version of Drupal.'));

    $this->assertNoText(t('There is a security update available for your version of Drupal.'));


 * Tests update functionality unrelated to the database.
class UpdateCoreUnitTestCase extends DrupalUnitTestCase {

  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => "Unit tests",
      'description' => 'Test update funcionality unrelated to the database.',
      'group' => 'Update',

  function setUp() {
    module_load_include('inc', 'update', 'update.fetch');

   * Tests that _update_build_fetch_url() builds the URL correctly.
  function testUpdateBuildFetchUrl() {
    //first test that we didn't break the trivial case
    $project['name'] = 'update_test';
    $project['project_type'] = '';
    $project['info']['version'] = '';
    $project['info']['project status url'] = 'http://www.example.com';
    $project['includes'] = array('module1' => 'Module 1', 'module2' => 'Module 2');
    $site_key = '';
    $expected = 'http://www.example.com/' . $project['name'] . '/' . DRUPAL_CORE_COMPATIBILITY;
    $url = _update_build_fetch_url($project, $site_key);
    $this->assertEqual($url, $expected, "'$url' when no site_key provided should be '$expected'.");

    //For disabled projects it shouldn't add the site key either.
    $site_key = 'site_key';
    $project['project_type'] = 'disabled';
    $expected = 'http://www.example.com/' . $project['name'] . '/' . DRUPAL_CORE_COMPATIBILITY;
    $url = _update_build_fetch_url($project, $site_key);
    $this->assertEqual($url, $expected, "'$url' should be '$expected' for disabled projects.");

    //for enabled projects, adding the site key
    $project['project_type'] = '';
    $expected = 'http://www.example.com/' . $project['name'] . '/' . DRUPAL_CORE_COMPATIBILITY;
    $expected .= '?site_key=site_key';
    $expected .= '&list=' . rawurlencode('module1,module2');
    $url = _update_build_fetch_url($project, $site_key);
    $this->assertEqual($url, $expected, "When site_key provided, '$url' should be '$expected'.");

    // http://drupal.org/node/1481156 test incorrect logic when URL contains
    // a question mark.
    $project['info']['project status url'] = 'http://www.example.com/?project=';
    $expected = 'http://www.example.com/?project=/' . $project['name'] . '/' . DRUPAL_CORE_COMPATIBILITY;
    $expected .= '&site_key=site_key';
    $expected .= '&list=' . rawurlencode('module1,module2');
    $url = _update_build_fetch_url($project, $site_key);
    $this->assertEqual($url, $expected, "When ? is present, '$url' should be '$expected'.");


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