D7net Mini Sh3LL v1
Current File : /var/www/html/../../../usr/share/rsyslog/../php7.4-readline/../perl5/Archive/Zip/NewFileMember.pm |
package Archive::Zip::NewFileMember;
use strict;
use vars qw( $VERSION @ISA );
$VERSION = '1.67';
@ISA = qw ( Archive::Zip::FileMember );
use Archive::Zip qw(
# Given a file name, set up for eventual writing.
sub _newFromFileNamed {
my $class = shift;
my $fileName = shift; # local FS format
my $newName = shift;
$newName = _asZipDirName($fileName) unless defined($newName);
return undef unless (stat($fileName) && -r _ && !-d _ );
my $self = $class->new(@_);
$self->{'fileName'} = $newName;
$self->{'externalFileName'} = $fileName;
$self->{'compressionMethod'} = COMPRESSION_STORED;
my @stat = stat(_);
$self->{'compressedSize'} = $self->{'uncompressedSize'} = $stat[7];
($self->compressedSize() > 0)
$self->isTextFile(-T _ );
return $self;
sub rewindData {
my $self = shift;
my $status = $self->SUPER::rewindData(@_);
return $status unless $status == AZ_OK;
return AZ_IO_ERROR unless $self->fh();
$self->fh()->seek(0, IO::Seekable::SEEK_SET)
or return _ioError("rewinding", $self->externalFileName());
return AZ_OK;
# Return bytes read. Note that first parameter is a ref to a buffer.
# my $data;
# my ( $bytesRead, $status) = $self->readRawChunk( \$data, $chunkSize );
sub _readRawChunk {
my ($self, $dataRef, $chunkSize) = @_;
return (0, AZ_OK) unless $chunkSize;
my $bytesRead = $self->fh()->read($$dataRef, $chunkSize)
or return (0, _ioError("reading data"));
return ($bytesRead, AZ_OK);
# If I already exist, extraction is a no-op.
sub extractToFileNamed {
my $self = shift;
my $name = shift; # local FS name
if (File::Spec->rel2abs($name) eq
File::Spec->rel2abs($self->externalFileName()) and -r $name) {
return AZ_OK;
} else {
return $self->SUPER::extractToFileNamed($name, @_);
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