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Current File : /var/../usr/share/libdbi-perl/../menu/../iso-codes/../common-licenses/../perl5/Dpkg/Source/Patch.pm
# Copyright © 2008 Raphaël Hertzog <hertzog@debian.org>
# Copyright © 2008-2010, 2012-2015 Guillem Jover <guillem@debian.org>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

package Dpkg::Source::Patch;

use strict;
use warnings;

our $VERSION = '0.01';

use POSIX qw(:errno_h :sys_wait_h);
use File::Find;
use File::Basename;
use File::Spec;
use File::Path qw(make_path);
use File::Compare;
use Fcntl ':mode';
use Time::HiRes qw(stat);

use Dpkg;
use Dpkg::Gettext;
use Dpkg::ErrorHandling;
use Dpkg::IPC;
use Dpkg::Source::Functions qw(fs_time);

use parent qw(Dpkg::Compression::FileHandle);

sub create {
    my ($self, %opts) = @_;
    $self->ensure_open('w'); # Creates the file
    *$self->{errors} = 0;
    *$self->{empty} = 1;
    if ($opts{old} and $opts{new} and $opts{filename}) {
        $opts{old} = '/dev/null' unless -e $opts{old};
        $opts{new} = '/dev/null' unless -e $opts{new};
        if (-d $opts{old} and -d $opts{new}) {
            $self->add_diff_directory($opts{old}, $opts{new}, %opts);
        } elsif (-f $opts{old} and -f $opts{new}) {
            $self->add_diff_file($opts{old}, $opts{new}, %opts);
        } else {
            $self->_fail_not_same_type($opts{old}, $opts{new}, $opts{filename});
        $self->finish() unless $opts{nofinish};

sub set_header {
    my ($self, $header) = @_;
    *$self->{header} = $header;

sub add_diff_file {
    my ($self, $old, $new, %opts) = @_;
    $opts{include_timestamp} //= 0;
    my $handle_binary = $opts{handle_binary_func} // sub {
        my ($self, $old, $new, %opts) = @_;
        my $file = $opts{filename};
        $self->_fail_with_msg($file, g_('binary file contents changed'));
    # Optimization to avoid forking diff if unnecessary
    return 1 if compare($old, $new, 4096) == 0;
    # Default diff options
    my @options;
    if ($opts{options}) {
        push @options, @{$opts{options}};
    } else {
        push @options, '-p';
    # Add labels
    if ($opts{label_old} and $opts{label_new}) {
	if ($opts{include_timestamp}) {
	    my $ts = (stat($old))[9];
	    my $t = POSIX::strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', gmtime($ts));
	    $opts{label_old} .= sprintf("\t%s.%09d +0000", $t,
	                                ($ts - int($ts)) * 1_000_000_000);
	    $ts = (stat($new))[9];
	    $t = POSIX::strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', gmtime($ts));
	    $opts{label_new} .= sprintf("\t%s.%09d +0000", $t,
	                                ($ts - int($ts)) * 1_000_000_000);
	} else {
	    # Space in filenames need special treatment
	    $opts{label_old} .= "\t" if $opts{label_old} =~ / /;
	    $opts{label_new} .= "\t" if $opts{label_new} =~ / /;
        push @options, '-L', $opts{label_old},
                       '-L', $opts{label_new};
    # Generate diff
    my $diffgen;
    my $diff_pid = spawn(
        exec => [ 'diff', '-u', @options, '--', $old, $new ],
        env => { LC_ALL => 'C', LANG => 'C', TZ => 'UTC0' },
        to_pipe => \$diffgen,
    # Check diff and write it in patch file
    my $difflinefound = 0;
    my $binary = 0;
    local $_;

    while (<$diffgen>) {
        if (m/^(?:binary|[^-+\@ ].*\bdiffer\b)/i) {
            $binary = 1;
            $handle_binary->($self, $old, $new, %opts);
        } elsif (m/^[-+\@ ]/) {
        } elsif (m/^\\ /) {
            warning(g_('file %s has no final newline (either ' .
                       'original or modified version)'), $new);
        } else {
            error(g_("unknown line from diff -u on %s: '%s'"), $new, $_);
	if (*$self->{empty} and defined(*$self->{header})) {
	    $self->print(*$self->{header}) or syserr(g_('failed to write'));
	    *$self->{empty} = 0;
        print { $self } $_ or syserr(g_('failed to write'));
    close($diffgen) or syserr('close on diff pipe');
    wait_child($diff_pid, nocheck => 1,
               cmdline => "diff -u @options -- $old $new");
    # Verify diff process ended successfully
    # Exit code of diff: 0 => no difference, 1 => diff ok, 2 => error
    # Ignore error if binary content detected
    my $exit = WEXITSTATUS($?);
    unless (WIFEXITED($?) && ($exit == 0 || $exit == 1 || $binary)) {
        subprocerr(g_('diff on %s'), $new);
    return ($exit == 0 || $exit == 1);

sub add_diff_directory {
    my ($self, $old, $new, %opts) = @_;
    # TODO: make this function more configurable
    # - offer to disable some checks
    my $basedir = $opts{basedirname} || basename($new);
    my $diff_ignore;
    if ($opts{diff_ignore_func}) {
        $diff_ignore = $opts{diff_ignore_func};
    } elsif ($opts{diff_ignore_regex}) {
        $diff_ignore = sub { return $_[0] =~ /$opts{diff_ignore_regex}/o };
    } else {
        $diff_ignore = sub { return 0 };

    my @diff_files;
    my %files_in_new;
    my $scan_new = sub {
        my $fn = (length > length($new)) ? substr($_, length($new) + 1) : '.';
        return if $diff_ignore->($fn);
        $files_in_new{$fn} = 1;
        lstat("$new/$fn") or syserr(g_('cannot stat file %s'), "$new/$fn");
        my $mode = S_IMODE((lstat(_))[2]);
        my $size = (lstat(_))[7];
        if (-l _) {
            unless (-l "$old/$fn") {
                $self->_fail_not_same_type("$old/$fn", "$new/$fn", $fn);
            my $n = readlink("$new/$fn");
            unless (defined $n) {
                syserr(g_('cannot read link %s'), "$new/$fn");
            my $n2 = readlink("$old/$fn");
            unless (defined $n2) {
                syserr(g_('cannot read link %s'), "$old/$fn");
            unless ($n eq $n2) {
                $self->_fail_not_same_type("$old/$fn", "$new/$fn", $fn);
        } elsif (-f _) {
            my $old_file = "$old/$fn";
            if (not lstat("$old/$fn")) {
                if ($! != ENOENT) {
                    syserr(g_('cannot stat file %s'), "$old/$fn");
                $old_file = '/dev/null';
            } elsif (not -f _) {
                $self->_fail_not_same_type("$old/$fn", "$new/$fn", $fn);

            my $label_old = "$basedir.orig/$fn";
            if ($opts{use_dev_null}) {
                $label_old = $old_file if $old_file eq '/dev/null';
            push @diff_files, [$fn, $mode, $size, $old_file, "$new/$fn",
                               $label_old, "$basedir/$fn"];
        } elsif (-p _) {
            unless (-p "$old/$fn") {
                $self->_fail_not_same_type("$old/$fn", "$new/$fn", $fn);
        } elsif (-b _ || -c _ || -S _) {
                g_('device or socket is not allowed'));
        } elsif (-d _) {
            if (not lstat("$old/$fn")) {
                if ($! != ENOENT) {
                    syserr(g_('cannot stat file %s'), "$old/$fn");
            } elsif (not -d _) {
                $self->_fail_not_same_type("$old/$fn", "$new/$fn", $fn);
        } else {
            $self->_fail_with_msg("$new/$fn", g_('unknown file type'));
    my $scan_old = sub {
        my $fn = (length > length($old)) ? substr($_, length($old) + 1) : '.';
        return if $diff_ignore->($fn);
        return if $files_in_new{$fn};
        lstat("$old/$fn") or syserr(g_('cannot stat file %s'), "$old/$fn");
        if (-f _) {
            if (not defined $opts{include_removal}) {
                warning(g_('ignoring deletion of file %s'), $fn);
            } elsif (not $opts{include_removal}) {
                warning(g_('ignoring deletion of file %s, use --include-removal to override'), $fn);
            } else {
                push @diff_files, [$fn, 0, 0, "$old/$fn", '/dev/null',
                                   "$basedir.orig/$fn", '/dev/null'];
        } elsif (-d _) {
            warning(g_('ignoring deletion of directory %s'), $fn);
        } elsif (-l _) {
            warning(g_('ignoring deletion of symlink %s'), $fn);
        } else {
            $self->_fail_not_same_type("$old/$fn", "$new/$fn", $fn);

    find({ wanted => $scan_new, no_chdir => 1 }, $new);
    find({ wanted => $scan_old, no_chdir => 1 }, $old);

    if ($opts{order_from} and -e $opts{order_from}) {
        my $order_from = Dpkg::Source::Patch->new(
            filename => $opts{order_from});
        my $analysis = $order_from->analyze($basedir, verbose => 0);
        my %patchorder;
        my $i = 0;
        foreach my $fn (@{$analysis->{patchorder}}) {
            $fn =~ s{^[^/]+/}{};
            $patchorder{$fn} = $i++;
        # 'quilt refresh' sorts files as follows:
        #   - Any files in the existing patch come first, in the order in
        #     which they appear in the existing patch.
        #   - New files follow, sorted lexicographically.
        # This seems a reasonable policy to follow, and avoids autopatches
        # being shuffled when they are regenerated.
        foreach my $diff_file (sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } @diff_files) {
            my $fn = $diff_file->[0];
            $patchorder{$fn} //= $i++;
        @diff_files = sort { $patchorder{$a->[0]} <=> $patchorder{$b->[0]} }
    } else {
        @diff_files = sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] } @diff_files;

    foreach my $diff_file (@diff_files) {
        my ($fn, $mode, $size,
            $old_file, $new_file, $label_old, $label_new) = @$diff_file;
        my $success = $self->add_diff_file($old_file, $new_file,
                                           filename => $fn,
                                           label_old => $label_old,
                                           label_new => $label_new, %opts);
        if ($success and
            $old_file eq '/dev/null' and $new_file ne '/dev/null') {
            if (not $size) {
                warning(g_("newly created empty file '%s' will not " .
                           'be represented in diff'), $fn);
            } else {
                if ($mode & (S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH)) {
                    warning(g_("executable mode %04o of '%s' will " .
                               'not be represented in diff'), $mode, $fn)
                        unless $fn eq 'debian/rules';
                if ($mode & (S_ISUID | S_ISGID | S_ISVTX)) {
                    warning(g_("special mode %04o of '%s' will not " .
                               'be represented in diff'), $mode, $fn);

sub finish {
    my $self = shift;
    close($self) or syserr(g_('cannot close %s'), $self->get_filename());
    return not *$self->{errors};

sub register_error {
    my $self = shift;
sub _fail_with_msg {
    my ($self, $file, $msg) = @_;
    errormsg(g_('cannot represent change to %s: %s'), $file, $msg);
sub _fail_not_same_type {
    my ($self, $old, $new, $file) = @_;
    my $old_type = get_type($old);
    my $new_type = get_type($new);
    errormsg(g_('cannot represent change to %s:'), $file);
    errormsg(g_('  new version is %s'), $new_type);
    errormsg(g_('  old version is %s'), $old_type);

sub _getline {
    my $handle = shift;

    my $line = <$handle>;
    if (defined $line) {
        # Strip end-of-line chars
        $line =~ s/\r$//;
    return $line;

# Fetch the header filename ignoring the optional timestamp
sub _fetch_filename {
    my ($diff, $header) = @_;

    # Strip any leading spaces.
    $header =~ s/^\s+//;

    # Is it a C-style string?
    if ($header =~ m/^"/) {
        error(g_('diff %s patches file with C-style encoded filename'), $diff);
    } else {
        # Tab is the official separator, it's always used when
        # filename contain spaces. Try it first, otherwise strip on space
        # if there's no tab
        $header =~ s/\s.*// unless $header =~ s/\t.*//;

    return $header;

sub _intuit_file_patched {
    my ($old, $new) = @_;

    return $new unless defined $old;
    return $old unless defined $new;
    return $new if -e $new and not -e $old;
    return $old if -e $old and not -e $new;

    # We don't consider the case where both files are non-existent and
    # where patch picks the one with the fewest directories to create
    # since dpkg-source will pre-create the required directories

    # Precalculate metrics used by patch
    my ($tmp_o, $tmp_n) = ($old, $new);
    my ($len_o, $len_n) = (length($old), length($new));
    $tmp_o =~ s{[/\\]+}{/}g;
    $tmp_n =~ s{[/\\]+}{/}g;
    my $nb_comp_o = ($tmp_o =~ tr{/}{/});
    my $nb_comp_n = ($tmp_n =~ tr{/}{/});
    $tmp_o =~ s{^.*/}{};
    $tmp_n =~ s{^.*/}{};
    my ($blen_o, $blen_n) = (length($tmp_o), length($tmp_n));

    # Decide like patch would
    if ($nb_comp_o != $nb_comp_n) {
        return ($nb_comp_o < $nb_comp_n) ? $old : $new;
    } elsif ($blen_o != $blen_n) {
        return ($blen_o < $blen_n) ? $old : $new;
    } elsif ($len_o != $len_n) {
        return ($len_o < $len_n) ? $old : $new;
    return $old;

# check diff for sanity, find directories to create as a side effect
sub analyze {
    my ($self, $destdir, %opts) = @_;

    $opts{verbose} //= 1;
    my $diff = $self->get_filename();
    my %filepatched;
    my %dirtocreate;
    my @patchorder;
    my $patch_header = '';
    my $diff_count = 0;

    my $line = _getline($self);

    while (defined $line or not eof $self) {
	my (%path, %fn);

	# Skip comments leading up to the patch (if any). Although we do not
	# look for an Index: pseudo-header in the comments, because we would
	# not use it anyway, as we require both ---/+++ filename headers.
	while (1) {
	    if ($line =~ /^(?:--- |\+\+\+ |@@ -)/) {
	    } else {
		$patch_header .= "$line\n";
	    $line = _getline($self);
	    last HUNK if not defined $line;
	# read file header (---/+++ pair)
	unless ($line =~ s/^--- //) {
	    error(g_("expected ^--- in line %d of diff '%s'"), $., $diff);
	$path{old} = $line = _fetch_filename($diff, $line);
	if ($line ne '/dev/null' and $line =~ s{^[^/]*/+}{$destdir/}) {
	    $fn{old} = $line;
	if ($line =~ /\.dpkg-orig$/) {
	    error(g_("diff '%s' patches file with name ending in .dpkg-orig"),

	$line = _getline($self);
	unless (defined $line) {
	    error(g_("diff '%s' finishes in middle of ---/+++ (line %d)"),
	          $diff, $.);
	unless ($line =~ s/^\+\+\+ //) {
	    error(g_("line after --- isn't as expected in diff '%s' (line %d)"),
	          $diff, $.);
	$path{new} = $line = _fetch_filename($diff, $line);
	if ($line ne '/dev/null' and $line =~ s{^[^/]*/+}{$destdir/}) {
	    $fn{new} = $line;

	unless (defined $fn{old} or defined $fn{new}) {
	    error(g_("none of the filenames in ---/+++ are valid in diff '%s' (line %d)"),
		  $diff, $.);

	# Safety checks on both filenames that patch could use
	foreach my $key ('old', 'new') {
	    next unless defined $fn{$key};
	    if ($path{$key} =~ m{/\.\./}) {
		error(g_('%s contains an insecure path: %s'), $diff, $path{$key});
	    my $path = $fn{$key};
	    while (1) {
		if (-l $path) {
		    error(g_('diff %s modifies file %s through a symlink: %s'),
			  $diff, $fn{$key}, $path);
		last unless $path =~ s{/+[^/]*$}{};
		last if length($path) <= length($destdir); # $destdir is assumed safe

        if ($path{old} eq '/dev/null' and $path{new} eq '/dev/null') {
            error(g_("original and modified files are /dev/null in diff '%s' (line %d)"),
                  $diff, $.);
        } elsif ($path{new} eq '/dev/null') {
            error(g_("file removal without proper filename in diff '%s' (line %d)"),
                  $diff, $. - 1) unless defined $fn{old};
            if ($opts{verbose}) {
                warning(g_('diff %s removes a non-existing file %s (line %d)'),
                        $diff, $fn{old}, $.) unless -e $fn{old};
	my $fn = _intuit_file_patched($fn{old}, $fn{new});

	my $dirname = $fn;
	if ($dirname =~ s{/[^/]+$}{} and not -d $dirname) {
	    $dirtocreate{$dirname} = 1;

	if (-e $fn and not -f _) {
	    error(g_("diff '%s' patches something which is not a plain file"),

	if ($filepatched{$fn}) {

            if ($opts{fatal_dupes}) {
                error(g_("diff '%s' patches files multiple times; split the " .
                         'diff in multiple files or merge the hunks into a ' .
                         'single one'), $diff);
            } elsif ($opts{verbose} and $filepatched{$fn} == 2) {
                warning(g_("diff '%s' patches file %s more than once"), $diff, $fn)
	} else {
	    $filepatched{$fn} = 1;
	    push @patchorder, $fn;

	# read hunks
	my $hunk = 0;
	while (defined($line = _getline($self))) {
	    # read hunk header (@@)
	    next if $line =~ /^\\ /;
	    last unless $line =~ /^@@ -\d+(,(\d+))? \+\d+(,(\d+))? @\@(?: .*)?$/;
	    my ($olines, $nlines) = ($1 ? $2 : 1, $3 ? $4 : 1);
	    # read hunk
	    while ($olines || $nlines) {
		unless (defined($line = _getline($self))) {
                    if (($olines == $nlines) and ($olines < 3)) {
                        warning(g_("unexpected end of diff '%s'"), $diff)
                            if $opts{verbose};
                    } else {
                        error(g_("unexpected end of diff '%s'"), $diff);
		next if $line =~ /^\\ /;
		# Check stats
		if ($line =~ /^ / or length $line == 0) {
		} elsif ($line =~ /^-/) {
		} elsif ($line =~ /^\+/) {
		} else {
		    error(g_("expected [ +-] at start of line %d of diff '%s'"),
		          $., $diff);
	unless ($hunk) {
	    error(g_("expected ^\@\@ at line %d of diff '%s'"), $., $diff);
    unless ($diff_count) {
	warning(g_("diff '%s' doesn't contain any patch"), $diff)
	    if $opts{verbose};
    *$self->{analysis}{$destdir}{dirtocreate} = \%dirtocreate;
    *$self->{analysis}{$destdir}{filepatched} = \%filepatched;
    *$self->{analysis}{$destdir}{patchorder} = \@patchorder;
    *$self->{analysis}{$destdir}{patchheader} = $patch_header;
    return *$self->{analysis}{$destdir};

sub prepare_apply {
    my ($self, $analysis, %opts) = @_;
    if ($opts{create_dirs}) {
	foreach my $dir (keys %{$analysis->{dirtocreate}}) {
	    eval { make_path($dir, { mode => 0777 }) };
	    syserr(g_('cannot create directory %s'), $dir) if $@;

sub apply {
    my ($self, $destdir, %opts) = @_;
    # Set default values to options
    $opts{force_timestamp} //= 1;
    $opts{remove_backup} //= 1;
    $opts{create_dirs} //= 1;
    $opts{options} ||= [ '-t', '-F', '0', '-N', '-p1', '-u',
            '-V', 'never', '-b', '-z', '.dpkg-orig'];
    $opts{add_options} //= [];
    push @{$opts{options}}, @{$opts{add_options}};
    # Check the diff and create missing directories
    my $analysis = $self->analyze($destdir, %opts);
    $self->prepare_apply($analysis, %opts);
    # Apply the patch
    my ($stdout, $stderr) = ('', '');
	exec => [ $Dpkg::PROGPATCH, @{$opts{options}} ],
	chdir => $destdir,
	env => { LC_ALL => 'C', LANG => 'C', PATCH_GET => '0' },
	delete_env => [ 'POSIXLY_CORRECT' ], # ensure expected patch behaviour
	wait_child => 1,
	nocheck => 1,
	from_handle => $self->get_filehandle(),
	to_string => \$stdout,
	error_to_string => \$stderr,
    if ($?) {
	print { *STDOUT } $stdout;
	print { *STDERR } $stderr;
	subprocerr("LC_ALL=C $Dpkg::PROGPATCH " . join(' ', @{$opts{options}}) .
	           ' < ' . $self->get_filename());
    # Reset the timestamp of all the patched files
    # and remove .dpkg-orig files
    my @files = keys %{$analysis->{filepatched}};
    my $now = $opts{timestamp};
    $now //= fs_time($files[0]) if $opts{force_timestamp} && scalar @files;
    foreach my $fn (@files) {
	if ($opts{force_timestamp}) {
	    utime($now, $now, $fn) or $! == ENOENT
		or syserr(g_('cannot change timestamp for %s'), $fn);
	if ($opts{remove_backup}) {
	    $fn .= '.dpkg-orig';
	    unlink($fn) or syserr(g_('remove patch backup file %s'), $fn);
    return $analysis;

# Verify if check will work...
sub check_apply {
    my ($self, $destdir, %opts) = @_;
    # Set default values to options
    $opts{create_dirs} //= 1;
    $opts{options} ||= [ '--dry-run', '-s', '-t', '-F', '0', '-N', '-p1', '-u',
            '-V', 'never', '-b', '-z', '.dpkg-orig'];
    $opts{add_options} //= [];
    push @{$opts{options}}, @{$opts{add_options}};
    # Check the diff and create missing directories
    my $analysis = $self->analyze($destdir, %opts);
    $self->prepare_apply($analysis, %opts);
    # Apply the patch
    my $patch_pid = spawn(
	exec => [ $Dpkg::PROGPATCH, @{$opts{options}} ],
	chdir => $destdir,
	env => { LC_ALL => 'C', LANG => 'C', PATCH_GET => '0' },
	delete_env => [ 'POSIXLY_CORRECT' ], # ensure expected patch behaviour
	from_handle => $self->get_filehandle(),
	to_file => '/dev/null',
	error_to_file => '/dev/null',
    wait_child($patch_pid, nocheck => 1);
    my $exit = WEXITSTATUS($?);
    subprocerr("$Dpkg::PROGPATCH --dry-run") unless WIFEXITED($?);
    return ($exit == 0);

# Helper functions
sub get_type {
    my $file = shift;
    if (not lstat($file)) {
        return g_('nonexistent') if $! == ENOENT;
        syserr(g_('cannot stat %s'), $file);
    } else {
        -f _ && return g_('plain file');
        -d _ && return g_('directory');
        -l _ && return sprintf(g_('symlink to %s'), readlink($file));
        -b _ && return g_('block device');
        -c _ && return g_('character device');
        -p _ && return g_('named pipe');
        -S _ && return g_('named socket');


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