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<!-- This manual is for Stand-alone GNU Info (version 6.7,
23 September 2019), a program for viewing documents in Info format
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<span id="Miscellaneous-Commands-1"></span><h2 class="chapter">11 Miscellaneous Commands</h2>

<p>GNU Info contains several commands which self-document GNU Info:
<dl compact="compact">
<dt><kbd>M-x describe-command</kbd></dt>
<dd><span id="index-functions_002c-describing"></span>
<span id="index-commands_002c-describing"></span>
<span id="index-describe_002dcommand"></span>
<p>Read the name of an Info command in the echo area and then display a
brief description of what that command does.
<dt><kbd>M-x describe-key</kbd></dt>
<dd><span id="index-keys_002c-describing"></span>
<span id="index-describe_002dkey"></span>
<p>Read a key sequence in the echo area, and then display the name and
documentation of the Info command that the key sequence invokes.
<dt><kbd>M-x describe-variable</kbd></dt>
<dd><p>Read the name of a variable in the echo area and then display a brief
description of what the variable affects.
<dt><kbd>M-x where-is</kbd></dt>
<dd><span id="index-where_002dis"></span>
<p>Read the name of an Info command in the echo area, and then display
a key sequence which can be typed in order to invoke that command.
<dt><kbd>H</kbd> (<code>get-help-window</code>)</dt>
<dt><tt class="key">F1</tt> (on DOS/Windows only)</dt>
<dd><span id="index-C_002dh"></span>
<span id="index-_003f_002c-in-Info-windows"></span>
<span id="index-F1"></span>
<span id="index-get_002dhelp_002dwindow"></span>
<p>Create (or Move into) the window displaying <code>*Help*</code>, and place
a node containing a quick reference card into it.  This window displays
the most concise information about GNU Info available.
<dt><kbd>h</kbd> (<code>get-info-help-node</code>)</dt>
<dd><span id="index-h"></span>
<span id="index-get_002dinfo_002dhelp_002dnode"></span>
<p>Try hard to visit the node <code>(info)Help</code>.  The Info file
<samp>info.texi</samp> distributed with GNU Emacs contains
this node.  Of course, the file must first be processed with
<code>makeinfo</code>, and then placed into the location of your Info directory.
<dt><kbd>=</kbd> (<code>display-file-info</code>)</dt>
<dd><span id="index-current-file_002c-information-about"></span>
<span id="index-display_002dfile_002dinfo"></span>
<span id="index-_003d_002c-in-Info-windows"></span>
<p>Show information about what&rsquo;s currently being viewed in the echo area:
the Info file name, and current line number and percentage within the
current node.
<dt><kbd>M-x info-version</kbd></dt>
<dd><span id="index-info_002dversion"></span>
<p>Display the name and version of the currently running Info program.

<p>Here are the commands for creating a numeric argument:
<dl compact="compact">
<dt><kbd>C-u</kbd> (<code>universal-argument</code>)</dt>
<dd><span id="index-numeric-arguments"></span>
<span id="index-C_002du"></span>
<span id="index-universal_002dargument"></span>
<p>Start (or multiply by 4) the current numeric argument.  &lsquo;<samp>C-u</samp>&rsquo; is
a good way to give a small numeric argument to cursor movement or
scrolling commands; &lsquo;<samp>C-u C-v</samp>&rsquo; scrolls the screen 4 lines, while
&lsquo;<samp>C-u C-u C-n</samp>&rsquo; moves the cursor down 16 lines.  &lsquo;<samp>C-u</samp>&rsquo; followed
by digit keys sets the numeric argument to the number thus typed:
<kbd>C-u 1 2 0</kbd> sets the argument to 120.
<dt><kbd>M-1</kbd> (<code>add-digit-to-numeric-arg</code>)</dt>
<dt><kbd>1</kbd>, vi-like operation</dt>
<dt><kbd>M-2</kbd> &hellip; <kbd>M-9</kbd></dt>
<dt><kbd>2</kbd> &hellip; <kbd>9</kbd>, vi-like operation</dt>
<dt><kbd>0</kbd>, vi-like operation</dt>
<dd><span id="index-M_002d0-_2026-M_002d9"></span>
<span id="index-0-_2026-9_002c-vi_002dlike-operation"></span>
<span id="index-add_002ddigit_002dto_002dnumeric_002darg"></span>
<p>Add the digit value of the invoking key to the current numeric
argument.  Once Info is reading a numeric argument, you may just type
the digits of the argument, without the Meta prefix.  For example, you
might give &lsquo;<samp>C-l</samp>&rsquo; a numeric argument of 32 by typing:
<div class="example">
<pre class="example"><kbd>C-u 3 2 C-l</kbd>

<div class="example">
<pre class="example"><kbd>M-3 2 C-l</kbd>

<dt><kbd>M--</kbd> (<code>add-digit-to-numeric-arg</code>)</dt>
<dd><span id="index-M_002d_002d"></span>
<span id="index-_002d"></span>
<span id="index-negative-arguments"></span>
<span id="index-arguments_002c-negative"></span>
<span id="index-numeric-arguments_002c-negative"></span>
<p>To make a negative argument, type <kbd>-</kbd>.  Typing <kbd>-</kbd> alone makes
a negative argument with a value of -1.  If you continue to
type digit or Meta-digit keys after <kbd>-</kbd>, the result is a negative
number produced by those digits.
<p><kbd>-</kbd> doesn&rsquo;t work when you type in the echo area, because you need to
be able to insert the &lsquo;<samp>-</samp>&rsquo; character itself; use <kbd>M--</kbd> instead,
if you need to specify negative arguments in the echo area.

<p><tt class="key">C-g</tt> is used to abort the reading of a multi-character key 
sequence, to cancel lengthy operations (such as multi-file searches) and 
to cancel reading input in the echo area.
<dl compact="compact">
<dt><kbd>C-g</kbd> (<code>abort-key</code>)</dt>
<dd><span id="index-cancelling-typeahead"></span>
<span id="index-cancelling-the-current-operation"></span>
<span id="index-C_002dg_002c-in-Info-windows"></span>
<span id="index-abort_002dkey"></span>
<p>Cancel current operation.

<p>The &lsquo;<samp>q</samp>&rsquo; command of Info simply quits running Info.
<dl compact="compact">
<dt><kbd>q</kbd> (<code>quit</code>)</dt>
<dt><kbd>C-x C-c</kbd></dt>
<dd><span id="index-quitting"></span>
<span id="index-q"></span>
<span id="index-C_002dx-C_002dc"></span>
<span id="index-quit"></span>
<p>Exit GNU Info.

<p>If the operating system tells GNU Info that the screen is 60 lines tall,
and it is actually only 40 lines tall, here is a way to tell Info that
the operating system is correct.
<dl compact="compact">
<dt><kbd>M-x set-screen-height</kbd></dt>
<dd><span id="index-set_002dscreen_002dheight"></span>
<span id="index-screen_002c-changing-the-height-of"></span>
<p>Read a height value in the echo area and set the height of the
displayed screen to that value.

<p>On MS-DOS/MS-Windows, this command actually tries to change the
dimensions of the visible screen to the value you type in the echo
<p>Finally, Info provides a convenient way to display footnotes which might
be associated with the current node that you are viewing:
<dl compact="compact">
<dt><kbd>ESC C-f</kbd> (<code>show-footnotes</code>)</dt>
<dd><span id="index-ESC-C_002df"></span>
<span id="index-show_002dfootnotes"></span>
<span id="index-footnotes_002c-displaying"></span>
<p>Show the footnotes (if any) associated with the current node in
another window.  You can have Info automatically display the footnotes
associated with a node when the node is selected by setting the
variable <code>automatic-footnotes</code>.  See <a href="Variables.html"><code>automatic-footnotes</code></a>.

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