D7net Mini Sh3LL v1
Current File : /var/../usr/../usr/include/apache2/mod_proxy.h |
/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef MOD_PROXY_H
#define MOD_PROXY_H
* @file mod_proxy.h
* @brief Proxy Extension Module for Apache
* @defgroup MOD_PROXY mod_proxy
* @ingroup APACHE_MODS
* @{
#include "apr_hooks.h"
#include "apr_optional.h"
#include "apr.h"
#include "apr_lib.h"
#include "apr_strings.h"
#include "apr_buckets.h"
#include "apr_md5.h"
#include "apr_network_io.h"
#include "apr_pools.h"
#include "apr_strings.h"
#include "apr_uri.h"
#include "apr_date.h"
#include "apr_strmatch.h"
#include "apr_fnmatch.h"
#include "apr_reslist.h"
#include "apr_want.h"
#include "apr_uuid.h"
#include "util_mutex.h"
#include "apr_global_mutex.h"
#include "apr_thread_mutex.h"
#include "httpd.h"
#include "http_config.h"
#include "ap_config.h"
#include "http_core.h"
#include "http_protocol.h"
#include "http_request.h"
#include "http_vhost.h"
#include "http_main.h"
#include "http_log.h"
#include "http_connection.h"
#include "util_filter.h"
#include "util_ebcdic.h"
#include "ap_provider.h"
#include "ap_slotmem.h"
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
/* for proxy_canonenc() */
enum enctype {
enc_path, enc_search, enc_user, enc_fpath, enc_parm
typedef enum {
} hcmethod_t;
typedef struct {
hcmethod_t method;
char *name;
int implemented;
} proxy_hcmethods_t;
typedef struct {
unsigned int bit;
char flag;
const char *name;
} proxy_wstat_t;
#define BALANCER_PREFIX "balancer://"
#define CRLF "\r\n"
#define CRLF "\015\012"
/* default Max-Forwards header setting */
/* Set this to -1, which complies with RFC2616 by not setting
* max-forwards if the client didn't send it to us.
typedef struct proxy_balancer proxy_balancer;
typedef struct proxy_worker proxy_worker;
typedef struct proxy_conn_pool proxy_conn_pool;
typedef struct proxy_balancer_method proxy_balancer_method;
/* static information about a remote proxy */
struct proxy_remote {
const char *scheme; /* the schemes handled by this proxy, or '*' */
const char *protocol; /* the scheme used to talk to this proxy */
const char *hostname; /* the hostname of this proxy */
ap_regex_t *regexp; /* compiled regex (if any) for the remote */
int use_regex; /* simple boolean. True if we have a regex pattern */
apr_port_t port; /* the port for this proxy */
struct proxy_alias {
const char *real;
const char *fake;
ap_regex_t *regex;
unsigned int flags;
proxy_balancer *balancer; /* only valid for reverse-proxys */
struct dirconn_entry {
char *name;
struct in_addr addr, mask;
struct apr_sockaddr_t *hostaddr;
int (*matcher) (struct dirconn_entry * This, request_rec *r);
struct noproxy_entry {
const char *name;
struct apr_sockaddr_t *addr;
typedef struct {
apr_array_header_t *proxies;
apr_array_header_t *sec_proxy;
apr_array_header_t *aliases;
apr_array_header_t *noproxies;
apr_array_header_t *dirconn;
apr_array_header_t *workers; /* non-balancer workers, eg ProxyPass http://example.com */
apr_array_header_t *balancers; /* list of balancers @ config time */
proxy_worker *forward; /* forward proxy worker */
proxy_worker *reverse; /* reverse "module-driven" proxy worker */
const char *domain; /* domain name to use in absence of a domain name in the request */
const char *id;
apr_pool_t *pool; /* Pool used for allocating this struct's elements */
int req; /* true if proxy requests are enabled */
int max_balancers; /* maximum number of allowed balancers */
int bgrowth; /* number of post-config balancers can added */
enum {
} viaopt; /* how to deal with proxy Via: headers */
apr_size_t recv_buffer_size;
apr_size_t io_buffer_size;
long maxfwd;
apr_interval_time_t timeout;
enum {
} badopt; /* how to deal with bad headers */
enum {
} proxy_status; /* Status display options */
apr_sockaddr_t *source_address;
apr_global_mutex_t *mutex; /* global lock, for pool, etc */
ap_slotmem_instance_t *bslot; /* balancers shm data - runtime */
ap_slotmem_provider_t *storage;
unsigned int req_set:1;
unsigned int viaopt_set:1;
unsigned int recv_buffer_size_set:1;
unsigned int io_buffer_size_set:1;
unsigned int maxfwd_set:1;
unsigned int timeout_set:1;
unsigned int badopt_set:1;
unsigned int proxy_status_set:1;
unsigned int source_address_set:1;
unsigned int bgrowth_set:1;
unsigned int bal_persist:1;
unsigned int inherit:1;
unsigned int inherit_set:1;
unsigned int ppinherit:1;
unsigned int ppinherit_set:1;
} proxy_server_conf;
typedef struct {
const char *p; /* The path */
ap_regex_t *r; /* Is this a regex? */
* ProxyPassReverse and friends are documented as working inside
* <Location>. But in fact they never have done in the case of
* more than one <Location>, because the server_conf can't see it.
* We need to move them to the per-dir config.
* Discussed in February 2005:
* http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=apache-httpd-dev&m=110726027118798&w=2
apr_array_header_t *raliases;
apr_array_header_t* cookie_paths;
apr_array_header_t* cookie_domains;
signed char p_is_fnmatch; /* Is the path an fnmatch candidate? */
signed char interpolate_env;
struct proxy_alias *alias;
* the following setting masks the error page
* returned from the 'proxied server' and just
* forwards the status code upwards.
* This allows the main server (us) to generate
* the error page, (so it will look like a error
* returned from the rest of the system
unsigned int error_override:1;
unsigned int preserve_host:1;
unsigned int preserve_host_set:1;
unsigned int error_override_set:1;
unsigned int alias_set:1;
unsigned int add_forwarded_headers:1;
unsigned int add_forwarded_headers_set:1;
/** Named back references */
apr_array_header_t *refs;
unsigned int forward_100_continue:1;
unsigned int forward_100_continue_set:1;
} proxy_dir_conf;
/* if we interpolate env vars per-request, we'll need a per-request
* copy of the reverse proxy config
typedef struct {
apr_array_header_t *raliases;
apr_array_header_t* cookie_paths;
apr_array_header_t* cookie_domains;
} proxy_req_conf;
typedef struct {
conn_rec *connection;
request_rec *r; /* Request record of the backend request
* that is used over the backend connection. */
proxy_worker *worker; /* Connection pool this connection belongs to */
apr_pool_t *pool; /* Subpool for hostname and addr data */
const char *hostname;
apr_sockaddr_t *addr; /* Preparsed remote address info */
apr_pool_t *scpool; /* Subpool used for socket and connection data */
apr_socket_t *sock; /* Connection socket */
void *data; /* per scheme connection data */
void *forward; /* opaque forward proxy data */
apr_uint32_t flags; /* Connection flags */
apr_port_t port;
unsigned int is_ssl:1;
unsigned int close:1; /* Close 'this' connection */
unsigned int need_flush:1; /* Flag to decide whether we need to flush the
* filter chain or not */
unsigned int inreslist:1; /* connection in apr_reslist? */
const char *uds_path; /* Unix domain socket path */
const char *ssl_hostname;/* Hostname (SNI) in use by SSL connection */
apr_bucket_brigade *tmp_bb;/* Temporary brigade created with the connection
* and its scpool/bucket_alloc (NULL before),
* must be left cleaned when used (locally).
} proxy_conn_rec;
typedef struct {
float cache_completion; /* completion percentage */
int content_length; /* length of the content */
} proxy_completion;
/* Connection pool */
struct proxy_conn_pool {
apr_pool_t *pool; /* The pool used in constructor and destructor calls */
apr_sockaddr_t *addr; /* Preparsed remote address info */
apr_reslist_t *res; /* Connection resource list */
proxy_conn_rec *conn; /* Single connection for prefork mpm */
/* worker status bits */
* NOTE: Keep up-to-date w/ proxy_wstat_tbl[]
* in mod_proxy.c !
#define PROXY_WORKER_DRAIN 0x0004
#define PROXY_WORKER_IN_ERROR 0x0080
#define PROXY_WORKER_FREE 0x0200
#define PROXY_WORKER_HC_FAIL 0x0400
/* worker status flags */
/* NOTE: these check the shared status */
#define PROXY_WORKER_IS_SPARE(f) ( (f)->s->status & PROXY_WORKER_HOT_SPARE )
#define PROXY_WORKER_IS_USABLE(f) ( ( !( (f)->s->status & PROXY_WORKER_NOT_USABLE_BITMAP) ) && \
#define PROXY_WORKER_IS_DRAINING(f) ( (f)->s->status & PROXY_WORKER_DRAIN )
#define PROXY_WORKER_IS_GENERIC(f) ( (f)->s->status & PROXY_WORKER_GENERIC )
#define PROXY_WORKER_IS_HCFAILED(f) ( (f)->s->status & PROXY_WORKER_HC_FAIL )
#define PROXY_WORKER_IS(f, b) ( (f)->s->status & (b) )
/* default worker retry timeout in seconds */
/* Some max char string sizes, for shm fields */
/* RFC-1035 mentions limits of 255 for host-names and 253 for domain-names,
* dotted together(?) this would fit the below size (+ trailing NUL).
#define PROXY_STRNCPY(dst, src) ap_proxy_strncpy((dst), (src), (sizeof(dst)))
#define PROXY_COPY_CONF_PARAMS(w, c) \
do { \
(w)->s->timeout = (c)->timeout; \
(w)->s->timeout_set = (c)->timeout_set; \
(w)->s->recv_buffer_size = (c)->recv_buffer_size; \
(w)->s->recv_buffer_size_set = (c)->recv_buffer_size_set; \
(w)->s->io_buffer_size = (c)->io_buffer_size; \
(w)->s->io_buffer_size_set = (c)->io_buffer_size_set; \
} while (0)
#define PROXY_DO_100_CONTINUE(w, r) \
((w)->s->ping_timeout_set \
&& (PROXYREQ_REVERSE == (r)->proxyreq) \
&& !(apr_table_get((r)->subprocess_env, "force-proxy-request-1.0")) \
&& ap_request_has_body((r)))
/* use 2 hashes */
typedef struct {
unsigned int def;
unsigned int fnv;
} proxy_hashes ;
/* Runtime worker status information. Shared in scoreboard */
/* The addition of member uds_path in 2.4.7 was an incompatible API change. */
typedef struct {
char scheme[PROXY_WORKER_MAX_SCHEME_SIZE]; /* scheme to use ajp|http|https */
char hostname[PROXY_WORKER_MAX_HOSTNAME_SIZE]; /* remote backend address (deprecated, use hostname_ex below) */
char route[PROXY_WORKER_MAX_ROUTE_SIZE]; /* balancing route */
char redirect[PROXY_WORKER_MAX_ROUTE_SIZE]; /* temporary balancing redirection route */
char flusher[PROXY_WORKER_MAX_SCHEME_SIZE]; /* flush provider used by mod_proxy_fdpass */
char uds_path[PROXY_WORKER_MAX_NAME_SIZE]; /* path to worker's unix domain socket if applicable */
int lbset; /* load balancer cluster set */
int retries; /* number of retries on this worker */
int lbstatus; /* Current lbstatus */
int lbfactor; /* dynamic lbfactor */
int min; /* Desired minimum number of available connections */
int smax; /* Soft maximum on the total number of connections */
int hmax; /* Hard maximum on the total number of connections */
int flush_wait; /* poll wait time in microseconds if flush_auto */
int index; /* shm array index */
proxy_hashes hash; /* hash of worker name */
unsigned int status; /* worker status bitfield */
enum {
} flush_packets; /* control AJP flushing */
apr_time_t updated; /* timestamp of last update for dynamic workers, or queue-time of HC workers */
apr_time_t error_time; /* time of the last error */
apr_interval_time_t ttl; /* maximum amount of time in seconds a connection
* may be available while exceeding the soft limit */
apr_interval_time_t retry; /* retry interval */
apr_interval_time_t timeout; /* connection timeout */
apr_interval_time_t acquire; /* acquire timeout when the maximum number of connections is exceeded */
apr_interval_time_t ping_timeout;
apr_interval_time_t conn_timeout;
apr_size_t recv_buffer_size;
apr_size_t io_buffer_size;
apr_size_t elected; /* Number of times the worker was elected */
apr_size_t busy; /* busyness factor */
apr_port_t port;
apr_off_t transferred;/* Number of bytes transferred to remote */
apr_off_t read; /* Number of bytes read from remote */
void *context; /* general purpose storage */
unsigned int keepalive:1;
unsigned int disablereuse:1;
unsigned int is_address_reusable:1;
unsigned int retry_set:1;
unsigned int timeout_set:1;
unsigned int acquire_set:1;
unsigned int ping_timeout_set:1;
unsigned int conn_timeout_set:1;
unsigned int recv_buffer_size_set:1;
unsigned int io_buffer_size_set:1;
unsigned int keepalive_set:1;
unsigned int disablereuse_set:1;
unsigned int was_malloced:1;
char hcuri[PROXY_WORKER_MAX_ROUTE_SIZE]; /* health check uri */
char hcexpr[PROXY_WORKER_MAX_SCHEME_SIZE]; /* name of condition expr for health check */
int passes; /* number of successes for check to pass */
int pcount; /* current count of passes */
int fails; /* number of failures for check to fail */
int fcount; /* current count of failures */
hcmethod_t method; /* method to use for health check */
apr_interval_time_t interval;
char upgrade[PROXY_WORKER_MAX_SCHEME_SIZE];/* upgrade protocol used by mod_proxy_wstunnel */
char hostname_ex[PROXY_RFC1035_HOSTNAME_SIZE]; /* RFC1035 compliant version of the remote backend address */
apr_size_t response_field_size; /* Size of proxy response buffer in bytes. */
unsigned int response_field_size_set:1;
char secret[PROXY_WORKER_MAX_SECRET_SIZE]; /* authentication secret (e.g. AJP13) */
} proxy_worker_shared;
#define ALIGNED_PROXY_WORKER_SHARED_SIZE (APR_ALIGN_DEFAULT(sizeof(proxy_worker_shared)))
/* Worker configuration */
struct proxy_worker {
proxy_hashes hash; /* hash of worker name */
unsigned int local_status; /* status of per-process worker */
proxy_conn_pool *cp; /* Connection pool to use */
proxy_worker_shared *s; /* Shared data */
proxy_balancer *balancer; /* which balancer am I in? */
apr_thread_mutex_t *tmutex; /* Thread lock for updating address cache */
void *context; /* general purpose storage */
ap_conf_vector_t *section_config; /* <Proxy>-section wherein defined */
/* default to health check every 30 seconds */
/* The watchdog runs every 2 seconds, which is also the minimal check */
* Time to wait (in microseconds) to find out if more data is currently
* available at the backend.
#define PROXY_FLUSH_WAIT 10000
typedef struct {
char sticky_path[PROXY_BALANCER_MAX_STICKY_SIZE]; /* URL sticky session identifier */
char sticky[PROXY_BALANCER_MAX_STICKY_SIZE]; /* sticky session identifier */
char lbpname[PROXY_MAX_PROVIDER_NAME_SIZE]; /* lbmethod provider name */
apr_interval_time_t timeout; /* Timeout for waiting on free connection */
apr_time_t wupdated; /* timestamp of last change to workers list */
int max_attempts; /* Number of attempts before failing */
int index; /* shm array index */
proxy_hashes hash;
unsigned int sticky_force:1; /* Disable failover for sticky sessions */
unsigned int scolonsep:1; /* true if ';' seps sticky session paths */
unsigned int max_attempts_set:1;
unsigned int was_malloced:1;
unsigned int need_reset:1;
unsigned int vhosted:1;
unsigned int inactive:1;
unsigned int forcerecovery:1;
char sticky_separator; /* separator for sessionid/route */
unsigned int forcerecovery_set:1;
unsigned int scolonsep_set:1;
unsigned int sticky_force_set:1;
unsigned int nonce_set:1;
unsigned int sticky_separator_set:1;
} proxy_balancer_shared;
#define ALIGNED_PROXY_BALANCER_SHARED_SIZE (APR_ALIGN_DEFAULT(sizeof(proxy_balancer_shared)))
struct proxy_balancer {
apr_array_header_t *workers; /* initially configured workers */
apr_array_header_t *errstatuses; /* statuses to force members into error */
ap_slotmem_instance_t *wslot; /* worker shm data - runtime */
ap_slotmem_provider_t *storage;
int growth; /* number of post-config workers can added */
int max_workers; /* maximum number of allowed workers */
proxy_hashes hash;
apr_time_t wupdated; /* timestamp of last change to workers list */
proxy_balancer_method *lbmethod;
apr_global_mutex_t *gmutex; /* global lock for updating list of workers */
apr_thread_mutex_t *tmutex; /* Thread lock for updating shm */
proxy_server_conf *sconf;
void *context; /* general purpose storage */
proxy_balancer_shared *s; /* Shared data */
int failontimeout; /* Whether to mark a member in Err if IO timeout occurs */
unsigned int failontimeout_set:1;
unsigned int growth_set:1;
unsigned int lbmethod_set:1;
ap_conf_vector_t *section_config; /* <Proxy>-section wherein defined */
struct proxy_balancer_method {
const char *name; /* name of the load balancer method*/
proxy_worker *(*finder)(proxy_balancer *balancer,
request_rec *r);
void *context; /* general purpose storage */
apr_status_t (*reset)(proxy_balancer *balancer, server_rec *s);
apr_status_t (*age)(proxy_balancer *balancer, server_rec *s);
apr_status_t (*updatelbstatus)(proxy_balancer *balancer, proxy_worker *elected, server_rec *s);
#define PROXY_THREAD_LOCK(x) ( (x) && (x)->tmutex ? apr_thread_mutex_lock((x)->tmutex) : APR_SUCCESS)
#define PROXY_THREAD_UNLOCK(x) ( (x) && (x)->tmutex ? apr_thread_mutex_unlock((x)->tmutex) : APR_SUCCESS)
#define PROXY_GLOBAL_LOCK(x) ( (x) && (x)->gmutex ? apr_global_mutex_lock((x)->gmutex) : APR_SUCCESS)
#define PROXY_GLOBAL_UNLOCK(x) ( (x) && (x)->gmutex ? apr_global_mutex_unlock((x)->gmutex) : APR_SUCCESS)
/* hooks */
/* Create a set of PROXY_DECLARE(type), PROXY_DECLARE_NONSTD(type) and
* PROXY_DECLARE_DATA with appropriate export and import tags for the platform
#if !defined(WIN32)
#define PROXY_DECLARE(type) type
#define PROXY_DECLARE_NONSTD(type) type
#define PROXY_DECLARE(type) type __stdcall
#define PROXY_DECLARE_NONSTD(type) type
#define PROXY_DECLARE(type) __declspec(dllexport) type __stdcall
#define PROXY_DECLARE_NONSTD(type) __declspec(dllexport) type
#define PROXY_DECLARE_DATA __declspec(dllexport)
#define PROXY_DECLARE(type) __declspec(dllimport) type __stdcall
#define PROXY_DECLARE_NONSTD(type) __declspec(dllimport) type
#define PROXY_DECLARE_DATA __declspec(dllimport)
* APR_DECLARE_EXTERNAL_HOOK allows build/make_nw_export.awk
* to distinguish between hooks that implement
* proxy_hook_xx and proxy_hook_get_xx in mod_proxy.c and
* those which don't.
/* These 2 are in mod_proxy.c */
extern PROXY_DECLARE_DATA proxy_hcmethods_t proxy_hcmethods[];
extern PROXY_DECLARE_DATA proxy_wstat_t proxy_wstat_tbl[];
/* Following 4 from health check */
APR_DECLARE_OPTIONAL_FN(void, hc_show_exprs, (request_rec *));
APR_DECLARE_OPTIONAL_FN(void, hc_select_exprs, (request_rec *, const char *));
APR_DECLARE_OPTIONAL_FN(int, hc_valid_expr, (request_rec *, const char *));
APR_DECLARE_OPTIONAL_FN(const char *, set_worker_hc_param,
(apr_pool_t *, server_rec *, proxy_worker *,
const char *, const char *, void *));
APR_DECLARE_EXTERNAL_HOOK(proxy, PROXY, int, section_post_config,
(apr_pool_t *p, apr_pool_t *plog,
apr_pool_t *ptemp, server_rec *s,
ap_conf_vector_t *section_config))
APR_DECLARE_EXTERNAL_HOOK(proxy, PROXY, int, scheme_handler,
(request_rec *r, proxy_worker *worker,
proxy_server_conf *conf, char *url,
const char *proxyhost, apr_port_t proxyport))
APR_DECLARE_EXTERNAL_HOOK(proxy, PROXY, int, canon_handler,
(request_rec *r, char *url))
APR_DECLARE_EXTERNAL_HOOK(proxy, PROXY, int, create_req, (request_rec *r, request_rec *pr))
APR_DECLARE_EXTERNAL_HOOK(proxy, PROXY, int, fixups, (request_rec *r))
* pre request hook.
* It will return the most suitable worker at the moment
* and corresponding balancer.
* The url is rewritten from balancer://cluster/uri to scheme://host:port/uri
* and then the scheme_handler is called.
APR_DECLARE_EXTERNAL_HOOK(proxy, PROXY, int, pre_request, (proxy_worker **worker,
proxy_balancer **balancer,
request_rec *r,
proxy_server_conf *conf, char **url))
* post request hook.
* It is called after request for updating runtime balancer status.
APR_DECLARE_EXTERNAL_HOOK(proxy, PROXY, int, post_request, (proxy_worker *worker,
proxy_balancer *balancer, request_rec *r,
proxy_server_conf *conf))
* request status hook
* It is called after all proxy processing has been done. This gives other
* modules a chance to create default content on failure, for example
APR_DECLARE_EXTERNAL_HOOK(proxy, PROXY, int, request_status,
(int *status, request_rec *r))
/* proxy_util.c */
PROXY_DECLARE(apr_status_t) ap_proxy_strncpy(char *dst, const char *src,
apr_size_t dlen);
PROXY_DECLARE(int) ap_proxy_hex2c(const char *x);
PROXY_DECLARE(void) ap_proxy_c2hex(int ch, char *x);
PROXY_DECLARE(char *)ap_proxy_canonenc(apr_pool_t *p, const char *x, int len, enum enctype t,
int forcedec, int proxyreq);
PROXY_DECLARE(char *)ap_proxy_canon_netloc(apr_pool_t *p, char **const urlp, char **userp,
char **passwordp, char **hostp, apr_port_t *port);
PROXY_DECLARE(int) ap_proxyerror(request_rec *r, int statuscode, const char *message);
PROXY_DECLARE(int) ap_proxy_checkproxyblock(request_rec *r, proxy_server_conf *conf, apr_sockaddr_t *uri_addr);
/** Test whether the hostname/address of the request are blocked by the ProxyBlock
* configuration.
* @param r request
* @param conf server configuration
* @param hostname hostname from request URI
* @param addr resolved address of hostname, or NULL if not known
* @return OK on success, or else an errro
PROXY_DECLARE(int) ap_proxy_checkproxyblock2(request_rec *r, proxy_server_conf *conf,
const char *hostname, apr_sockaddr_t *addr);
PROXY_DECLARE(int) ap_proxy_pre_http_request(conn_rec *c, request_rec *r);
/* DEPRECATED (will be replaced with ap_proxy_connect_backend */
PROXY_DECLARE(int) ap_proxy_connect_to_backend(apr_socket_t **, const char *, apr_sockaddr_t *, const char *, proxy_server_conf *, request_rec *);
/* DEPRECATED (will be replaced with ap_proxy_check_connection */
PROXY_DECLARE(apr_status_t) ap_proxy_ssl_connection_cleanup(proxy_conn_rec *conn,
request_rec *r);
PROXY_DECLARE(int) ap_proxy_ssl_enable(conn_rec *c);
PROXY_DECLARE(int) ap_proxy_ssl_disable(conn_rec *c);
PROXY_DECLARE(int) ap_proxy_ssl_engine(conn_rec *c,
ap_conf_vector_t *per_dir_config,
int enable);
PROXY_DECLARE(int) ap_proxy_conn_is_https(conn_rec *c);
PROXY_DECLARE(const char *) ap_proxy_ssl_val(apr_pool_t *p, server_rec *s, conn_rec *c, request_rec *r, const char *var);
/* Header mapping functions, and a typedef of their signature */
PROXY_DECLARE(const char *) ap_proxy_location_reverse_map(request_rec *r, proxy_dir_conf *conf, const char *url);
PROXY_DECLARE(const char *) ap_proxy_cookie_reverse_map(request_rec *r, proxy_dir_conf *conf, const char *str);
#if !defined(WIN32)
typedef const char *(*ap_proxy_header_reverse_map_fn)(request_rec *,
proxy_dir_conf *, const char *);
typedef const char *(__stdcall *ap_proxy_header_reverse_map_fn)(request_rec *,
proxy_dir_conf *, const char *);
typedef __declspec(dllexport) const char *
(__stdcall *ap_proxy_header_reverse_map_fn)(request_rec *,
proxy_dir_conf *, const char *);
typedef __declspec(dllimport) const char *
(__stdcall *ap_proxy_header_reverse_map_fn)(request_rec *,
proxy_dir_conf *, const char *);
/* Connection pool API */
* Return the user-land, UDS aware worker name
* @param p memory pool used for displaying worker name
* @param worker the worker
* @return name
PROXY_DECLARE(char *) ap_proxy_worker_name(apr_pool_t *p,
proxy_worker *worker);
* Get the worker from proxy configuration
* @param p memory pool used for finding worker
* @param balancer the balancer that the worker belongs to
* @param conf current proxy server configuration
* @param url url to find the worker from
* @return proxy_worker or NULL if not found
PROXY_DECLARE(proxy_worker *) ap_proxy_get_worker(apr_pool_t *p,
proxy_balancer *balancer,
proxy_server_conf *conf,
const char *url);
* Define and Allocate space for the worker to proxy configuration
* @param p memory pool to allocate worker from
* @param worker the new worker
* @param balancer the balancer that the worker belongs to
* @param conf current proxy server configuration
* @param url url containing worker name
* @param do_malloc true if shared struct should be malloced
* @return error message or NULL if successful (*worker is new worker)
PROXY_DECLARE(char *) ap_proxy_define_worker(apr_pool_t *p,
proxy_worker **worker,
proxy_balancer *balancer,
proxy_server_conf *conf,
const char *url,
int do_malloc);
* Share a defined proxy worker via shm
* @param worker worker to be shared
* @param shm location of shared info
* @param i index into shm
* @return APR_SUCCESS or error code
PROXY_DECLARE(apr_status_t) ap_proxy_share_worker(proxy_worker *worker,
proxy_worker_shared *shm,
int i);
* Initialize the worker by setting up worker connection pool and mutex
* @param worker worker to initialize
* @param s current server record
* @param p memory pool used for mutex and connection pool
* @return APR_SUCCESS or error code
PROXY_DECLARE(apr_status_t) ap_proxy_initialize_worker(proxy_worker *worker,
server_rec *s,
apr_pool_t *p);
* Verifies valid balancer name (eg: balancer://foo)
* @param name name to test
* @param i number of chars to test; 0 for all.
* @return true/false
PROXY_DECLARE(int) ap_proxy_valid_balancer_name(char *name, int i);
* Get the balancer from proxy configuration
* @param p memory pool used for temporary storage while finding balancer
* @param conf current proxy server configuration
* @param url url to find the worker from; must have balancer:// prefix
* @param careactive true if we care if the balancer is active or not
* @return proxy_balancer or NULL if not found
PROXY_DECLARE(proxy_balancer *) ap_proxy_get_balancer(apr_pool_t *p,
proxy_server_conf *conf,
const char *url,
int careactive);
* Update the balancer's vhost related fields
* @param p memory pool used for temporary storage while finding balancer
* @param balancer balancer to be updated
* @param url url to find vhost info
* @return error string or NULL if OK
PROXY_DECLARE(char *) ap_proxy_update_balancer(apr_pool_t *p,
proxy_balancer *balancer,
const char *url);
* Define and Allocate space for the balancer to proxy configuration
* @param p memory pool to allocate balancer from
* @param balancer the new balancer
* @param conf current proxy server configuration
* @param url url containing balancer name
* @param alias alias/fake-path to this balancer
* @param do_malloc true if shared struct should be malloced
* @return error message or NULL if successful
PROXY_DECLARE(char *) ap_proxy_define_balancer(apr_pool_t *p,
proxy_balancer **balancer,
proxy_server_conf *conf,
const char *url,
const char *alias,
int do_malloc);
* Share a defined proxy balancer via shm
* @param balancer balancer to be shared
* @param shm location of shared info
* @param i index into shm
* @return APR_SUCCESS or error code
PROXY_DECLARE(apr_status_t) ap_proxy_share_balancer(proxy_balancer *balancer,
proxy_balancer_shared *shm,
int i);
* Initialize the balancer as needed
* @param balancer balancer to initialize
* @param s current server record
* @param p memory pool used for mutex and connection pool
* @return APR_SUCCESS or error code
PROXY_DECLARE(apr_status_t) ap_proxy_initialize_balancer(proxy_balancer *balancer,
server_rec *s,
apr_pool_t *p);
typedef int (proxy_is_best_callback_fn_t)(proxy_worker *current, proxy_worker *prev_best, void *baton);
* Retrieve the best worker in a balancer for the current request
* @param balancer balancer for which to find the best worker
* @param r current request record
* @param is_best a callback function provide by the lbmethod
* that determines if the current worker is best
* @param baton an lbmethod-specific context pointer (baton)
* passed to the is_best callback
* @return the best worker to be used for the request
PROXY_DECLARE(proxy_worker *) ap_proxy_balancer_get_best_worker(proxy_balancer *balancer,
request_rec *r,
proxy_is_best_callback_fn_t *is_best,
void *baton);
* Needed by the lb modules.
APR_DECLARE_OPTIONAL_FN(proxy_worker *, proxy_balancer_get_best_worker,
(proxy_balancer *balancer,
request_rec *r,
proxy_is_best_callback_fn_t *is_best,
void *baton));
* Find the shm of the worker as needed
* @param storage slotmem provider
* @param slot slotmem instance
* @param worker worker to find
* @param index pointer to index within slotmem of worker
* @return pointer to shm of worker, or NULL
PROXY_DECLARE(proxy_worker_shared *) ap_proxy_find_workershm(ap_slotmem_provider_t *storage,
ap_slotmem_instance_t *slot,
proxy_worker *worker,
unsigned int *index);
* Find the shm of the balancer as needed
* @param storage slotmem provider
* @param slot slotmem instance
* @param balancer balancer of shm to find
* @param index pointer to index within slotmem of balancer
* @return pointer to shm of balancer, or NULL
PROXY_DECLARE(proxy_balancer_shared *) ap_proxy_find_balancershm(ap_slotmem_provider_t *storage,
ap_slotmem_instance_t *slot,
proxy_balancer *balancer,
unsigned int *index);
* Strip the UDS part of r->filename if any, and put the UDS path in
* r->notes ("uds_path")
* @param r current request
* @return OK if fixed up, DECLINED if not UDS, or an HTTP_XXX error
PROXY_DECLARE(int) ap_proxy_fixup_uds_filename(request_rec *r);
* Get the most suitable worker and/or balancer for the request
* @param worker worker used for processing request
* @param balancer balancer used for processing request
* @param r current request
* @param conf current proxy server configuration
* @param url request url that balancer can rewrite.
* @return OK or HTTP_XXX error
* @note It calls balancer pre_request hook if the url starts with balancer://
* The balancer then rewrites the url to particular worker, like http://host:port
PROXY_DECLARE(int) ap_proxy_pre_request(proxy_worker **worker,
proxy_balancer **balancer,
request_rec *r,
proxy_server_conf *conf,
char **url);
* Post request worker and balancer cleanup
* @param worker worker used for processing request
* @param balancer balancer used for processing request
* @param r current request
* @param conf current proxy server configuration
* @return OK or HTTP_XXX error
* @note Whenever the pre_request is called, the post_request has to be
* called too.
PROXY_DECLARE(int) ap_proxy_post_request(proxy_worker *worker,
proxy_balancer *balancer,
request_rec *r,
proxy_server_conf *conf);
* Determine backend hostname and port
* @param p memory pool used for processing
* @param r current request
* @param conf current proxy server configuration
* @param worker worker used for processing request
* @param conn proxy connection struct
* @param uri processed uri
* @param url request url
* @param proxyname are we connecting directly or via a proxy
* @param proxyport proxy host port
* @param server_portstr Via headers server port, must be non-NULL
* @param server_portstr_size size of the server_portstr buffer; must
* be at least one, even if the protocol doesn't use this
* @return OK or HTTP_XXX error
PROXY_DECLARE(int) ap_proxy_determine_connection(apr_pool_t *p, request_rec *r,
proxy_server_conf *conf,
proxy_worker *worker,
proxy_conn_rec *conn,
apr_uri_t *uri,
char **url,
const char *proxyname,
apr_port_t proxyport,
char *server_portstr,
int server_portstr_size);
* Mark a worker for retry
* @param proxy_function calling proxy scheme (http, ajp, ...)
* @param worker worker used for retrying
* @param s current server record
* @return OK if marked for retry, DECLINED otherwise
* @note The error status of the worker will cleared if the retry interval has
* elapsed since the last error.
APR_DECLARE_OPTIONAL_FN(int, ap_proxy_retry_worker,
(const char *proxy_function, proxy_worker *worker, server_rec *s));
* Acquire a connection from worker connection pool
* @param proxy_function calling proxy scheme (http, ajp, ...)
* @param conn acquired connection
* @param worker worker used for obtaining connection
* @param s current server record
* @return OK or HTTP_XXX error
* @note If the connection limit has been reached, the function will
* block until a connection becomes available or the timeout has
* elapsed.
PROXY_DECLARE(int) ap_proxy_acquire_connection(const char *proxy_function,
proxy_conn_rec **conn,
proxy_worker *worker,
server_rec *s);
* Release a connection back to worker connection pool
* @param proxy_function calling proxy scheme (http, ajp, ...)
* @param conn acquired connection
* @param s current server record
* @return OK or HTTP_XXX error
* @note The connection will be closed if conn->close_on_release is set
PROXY_DECLARE(int) ap_proxy_release_connection(const char *proxy_function,
proxy_conn_rec *conn,
server_rec *s);
#define PROXY_CHECK_CONN_EMPTY (1 << 0)
* Check a connection to the backend
* @param scheme calling proxy scheme (http, ajp, ...)
* @param conn acquired connection
* @param server current server record
* @param max_blank_lines how many blank lines to consume,
* or zero for none (considered data)
* @param flags PROXY_CHECK_* bitmask
* @return APR_SUCCESS: connection established,
* APR_ENOTEMPTY: connection established with data,
* APR_ENOSOCKET: not connected,
* APR_EINVAL: worker in error state (unusable),
* other: connection closed/aborted (remotely)
PROXY_DECLARE(apr_status_t) ap_proxy_check_connection(const char *scheme,
proxy_conn_rec *conn,
server_rec *server,
unsigned max_blank_lines,
int flags);
* Make a connection to the backend
* @param proxy_function calling proxy scheme (http, ajp, ...)
* @param conn acquired connection
* @param worker connection worker
* @param s current server record
* @return OK or HTTP_XXX error
* @note In case the socket already exists for conn, just check the link
* status.
PROXY_DECLARE(int) ap_proxy_connect_backend(const char *proxy_function,
proxy_conn_rec *conn,
proxy_worker *worker,
server_rec *s);
* Make a connection to a Unix Domain Socket (UDS) path
* @param sock UDS to connect
* @param uds_path UDS path to connect to
* @param p pool to make the sock addr
* @return APR_SUCCESS or error status
PROXY_DECLARE(apr_status_t) ap_proxy_connect_uds(apr_socket_t *sock,
const char *uds_path,
apr_pool_t *p);
* Make a connection record for backend connection
* @param proxy_function calling proxy scheme (http, ajp, ...)
* @param conn acquired connection
* @param c client connection record (unused, deprecated)
* @param s current server record
* @return OK or HTTP_XXX error
* @note The function will return immediately if conn->connection
* is already set,
PROXY_DECLARE(int) ap_proxy_connection_create(const char *proxy_function,
proxy_conn_rec *conn,
conn_rec *c, server_rec *s);
* Make a connection record for backend connection, using request dir config
* @param proxy_function calling proxy scheme (http, ajp, ...)
* @param conn acquired connection
* @param r current request record
* @return OK or HTTP_XXX error
* @note The function will return immediately if conn->connection
* is already set,
PROXY_DECLARE(int) ap_proxy_connection_create_ex(const char *proxy_function,
proxy_conn_rec *conn,
request_rec *r);
* Determine if proxy connection can potentially be reused at the
* end of this request.
* @param conn proxy connection
* @return non-zero if reusable, 0 otherwise
* @note Even if this function returns non-zero, the connection may
* be subsequently marked for closure.
PROXY_DECLARE(int) ap_proxy_connection_reusable(proxy_conn_rec *conn);
* Signal the upstream chain that the connection to the backend broke in the
* middle of the response. This is done by sending an error bucket with
* status HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY and an EOS bucket up the filter chain.
* @param r current request record of client request
* @param brigade The brigade that is sent through the output filter chain
PROXY_DECLARE(void) ap_proxy_backend_broke(request_rec *r,
apr_bucket_brigade *brigade);
* Return a hash based on the passed string
* @param str string to produce hash from
* @param method hashing method to use
* @return hash as unsigned int
PROXY_DECLARE(unsigned int) ap_proxy_hashfunc(const char *str, proxy_hash_t method);
* Set/unset the worker status bitfield depending on flag
* @param c flag
* @param set set or unset bit
* @param w worker to use
* @return APR_SUCCESS if valid flag
PROXY_DECLARE(apr_status_t) ap_proxy_set_wstatus(char c, int set, proxy_worker *w);
* Create readable representation of worker status bitfield
* @param p pool
* @param w worker to use
* @return string representation of status
PROXY_DECLARE(char *) ap_proxy_parse_wstatus(apr_pool_t *p, proxy_worker *w);
* Sync balancer and workers based on any updates w/i shm
* @param b balancer to check/update member list of
* @param s server rec
* @param conf config
* @return APR_SUCCESS if all goes well
PROXY_DECLARE(apr_status_t) ap_proxy_sync_balancer(proxy_balancer *b,
server_rec *s,
proxy_server_conf *conf);
* Find the matched alias for this request and setup for proxy handler
* @param r request
* @param ent proxy_alias record
* @param dconf per-dir config or NULL
* @return DECLINED, DONE or OK if matched
PROXY_DECLARE(int) ap_proxy_trans_match(request_rec *r,
struct proxy_alias *ent,
proxy_dir_conf *dconf);
* Create a HTTP request header brigade, old_cl_val and old_te_val as required.
* @param p pool
* @param header_brigade header brigade to use/fill
* @param r request
* @param p_conn proxy connection rec
* @param worker selected worker
* @param conf per-server proxy config
* @param uri uri
* @param url url
* @param server_portstr port as string
* @param old_cl_val stored old content-len val
* @param old_te_val stored old TE val
PROXY_DECLARE(int) ap_proxy_create_hdrbrgd(apr_pool_t *p,
apr_bucket_brigade *header_brigade,
request_rec *r,
proxy_conn_rec *p_conn,
proxy_worker *worker,
proxy_server_conf *conf,
apr_uri_t *uri,
char *url, char *server_portstr,
char **old_cl_val,
char **old_te_val);
* @param bucket_alloc bucket allocator
* @param r request
* @param p_conn proxy connection
* @param origin connection rec of origin
* @param bb brigade to send to origin
* @param flush flush
* @return status (OK)
PROXY_DECLARE(int) ap_proxy_pass_brigade(apr_bucket_alloc_t *bucket_alloc,
request_rec *r, proxy_conn_rec *p_conn,
conn_rec *origin, apr_bucket_brigade *bb,
int flush);
* Clear the headers referenced by the Connection header from the given
* table, and remove the Connection header.
* @param r request
* @param headers table of headers to clear
* @return 1 if "close" was present, 0 otherwise.
APR_DECLARE_OPTIONAL_FN(int, ap_proxy_clear_connection,
(request_rec *r, apr_table_t *headers));
* @param socket socket to test
* @return TRUE if socket is connected/active
PROXY_DECLARE(int) ap_proxy_is_socket_connected(apr_socket_t *socket);
#define PROXY_LBMETHOD "proxylbmethod"
/* The number of dynamic workers that can be added when reconfiguring.
* If this limit is reached you must stop and restart the server.
* Calculate maximum number of workers in scoreboard.
* @return number of workers to allocate in the scoreboard
int ap_proxy_lb_workers(void);
* Return the port number of a known scheme (eg: http -> 80).
* @param scheme scheme to test
* @return port number or 0 if unknown
PROXY_DECLARE(apr_port_t) ap_proxy_port_of_scheme(const char *scheme);
* Return the name of the health check method (eg: "OPTIONS").
* @param method method enum
* @return name of method
PROXY_DECLARE (const char *) ap_proxy_show_hcmethod(hcmethod_t method);
* Strip a unix domain socket (UDS) prefix from the input URL
* @param p pool to allocate result from
* @param url a URL potentially prefixed with a UDS path
* @return URL with the UDS prefix removed
PROXY_DECLARE(const char *) ap_proxy_de_socketfy(apr_pool_t *p, const char *url);
* Transform buckets from one bucket allocator to another one by creating a
* transient bucket for each data bucket and let it use the data read from
* the old bucket. Metabuckets are transformed by just recreating them.
* Attention: Currently only the following bucket types are handled:
* All data buckets
* If an other bucket type is found its type is logged as a debug message
* and APR_EGENERAL is returned.
* @param r request_rec of the actual request. Used for logging purposes
* @param from the bucket brigade to take the buckets from
* @param to the bucket brigade to store the transformed buckets
* @return apr_status_t of the operation. Either APR_SUCCESS or
PROXY_DECLARE(apr_status_t) ap_proxy_buckets_lifetime_transform(request_rec *r,
apr_bucket_brigade *from,
apr_bucket_brigade *to);
* Sends all data that can be read non blocking from the input filter chain of
* c_i and send it down the output filter chain of c_o. For reading it uses
* the bucket brigade bb_i which should be created from the bucket allocator
* associated with c_i. For sending through the output filter chain it uses
* the bucket brigade bb_o which should be created from the bucket allocator
* associated with c_o. In order to get the buckets from bb_i to bb_o
* ap_proxy_buckets_lifetime_transform is used.
* @param r request_rec of the actual request. Used for logging purposes
* @param c_i inbound connection conn_rec
* @param c_o outbound connection conn_rec
* @param bb_i bucket brigade for pulling data from the inbound connection
* @param bb_o bucket brigade for sending data through the outbound connection
* @param name string for logging from where data was pulled
* @param sent if not NULL will be set to 1 if data was sent through c_o
* @param bsize maximum amount of data pulled in one iteration from c_i
* @param after if set flush data on c_o only once after the loop
* @return apr_status_t of the operation. Could be any error returned from
* either the input filter chain of c_i or the output filter chain
* of c_o. APR_EPIPE if the outgoing connection was aborted.
PROXY_DECLARE(apr_status_t) ap_proxy_transfer_between_connections(
request_rec *r,
conn_rec *c_i,
conn_rec *c_o,
apr_bucket_brigade *bb_i,
apr_bucket_brigade *bb_o,
const char *name,
int *sent,
apr_off_t bsize,
int after);
extern module PROXY_DECLARE_DATA proxy_module;
#endif /*MOD_PROXY_H*/
/** @} */
AnonSec - 2021 | Recode By D7net