D7net Mini Sh3LL v1
Current File : //usr/share/libthai/../locale/gu/../ak/../qu/../kok/../zh_HK/../mi/../../vim/vim81/syntax/sgml.vim |
" Vim syntax file
" Language: SGML
" Maintainer: Johannes Zellner <johannes@zellner.org>
" Last Change: Tue, 27 Apr 2004 15:05:21 CEST
" Filenames: *.sgml,*.sgm
" $Id: sgml.vim,v 1.1 2004/06/13 17:52:57 vimboss Exp $
" quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")
let s:sgml_cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim
syn case match
" mark illegal characters
syn match sgmlError "[<&]"
" unicode numbers:
" provide different highlithing for unicode characters
" inside strings and in plain text (character data).
" \u4e88
syn match sgmlUnicodeNumberAttr +\\u\x\{4}+ contained contains=sgmlUnicodeSpecifierAttr
syn match sgmlUnicodeSpecifierAttr +\\u+ contained
syn match sgmlUnicodeNumberData +\\u\x\{4}+ contained contains=sgmlUnicodeSpecifierData
syn match sgmlUnicodeSpecifierData +\\u+ contained
" strings inside character data or comments
syn region sgmlString contained start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contains=sgmlEntity,sgmlUnicodeNumberAttr display
syn region sgmlString contained start=+'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\'+ end=+'+ contains=sgmlEntity,sgmlUnicodeNumberAttr display
" punctuation (within attributes) e.g. <tag sgml:foo.attribute ...>
" ^ ^
syn match sgmlAttribPunct +[:.]+ contained display
" no highlighting for sgmlEqual (sgmlEqual has no highlighting group)
syn match sgmlEqual +=+
" attribute, everything before the '='
" PROVIDES: @sgmlAttribHook
" <tag foo.attribute = "value">
" ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
syn match sgmlAttrib
\ +[^-'"<]\@<=\<[a-zA-Z0-9.:]\+\>\([^'">]\@=\|$\)+
\ contained
\ contains=sgmlAttribPunct,@sgmlAttribHook
\ display
" UNQUOTED value (not including the '=' -- sgmlEqual)
" PROVIDES: @sgmlValueHook
" <tag foo.attribute = value>
" ^^^^^
syn match sgmlValue
\ +[^"' =/!?<>][^ =/!?<>]*+
\ contained
\ contains=sgmlEntity,sgmlUnicodeNumberAttr,@sgmlValueHook
\ display
" QUOTED value (not including the '=' -- sgmlEqual)
" PROVIDES: @sgmlValueHook
" <tag foo.attribute = "value">
" ^^^^^^^
" <tag foo.attribute = 'value'>
" ^^^^^^^
syn region sgmlValue contained start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+
\ contains=sgmlEntity,sgmlUnicodeNumberAttr,@sgmlValueHook
syn region sgmlValue contained start=+'+ skip=+\\\\\|\\'+ end=+'+
\ contains=sgmlEntity,sgmlUnicodeNumberAttr,@sgmlValueHook
" value, everything after (and including) the '='
" no highlighting!
" <tag foo.attribute = "value">
" ^^^^^^^^^
" <tag foo.attribute = value>
" ^^^^^^^
syn match sgmlEqualValue
\ +=\s*[^ =/!?<>]\++
\ contained
\ contains=sgmlEqual,sgmlString,sgmlValue
\ display
" start tag
" use matchgroup=sgmlTag to skip over the leading '<'
" see also sgmlEmptyTag below.
" PROVIDES: @sgmlTagHook
syn region sgmlTag
\ matchgroup=sgmlTag start=+<[^ /!?"']\@=+
\ matchgroup=sgmlTag end=+>+
\ contained
\ contains=sgmlError,sgmlAttrib,sgmlEqualValue,@sgmlTagHook
" tag content for empty tags. This is the same as sgmlTag
" above, except the `matchgroup=sgmlEndTag for highlighting
" the end '/>' differently.
" PROVIDES: @sgmlTagHook
syn region sgmlEmptyTag
\ matchgroup=sgmlTag start=+<[^ /!?"']\@=+
\ matchgroup=sgmlEndTag end=+/>+
\ contained
\ contains=sgmlError,sgmlAttrib,sgmlEqualValue,@sgmlTagHook
" end tag
" highlight everything but not the trailing '>' which
" was already highlighted by the containing sgmlRegion.
" PROVIDES: @sgmlTagHook
" (should we provide a separate @sgmlEndTagHook ?)
syn match sgmlEndTag
\ +</[^ /!?>"']\+>+
\ contained
\ contains=@sgmlTagHook
" SGML specific
" tag content for abbreviated regions
" PROVIDES: @sgmlTagHook
syn region sgmlAbbrTag
\ matchgroup=sgmlTag start=+<[^ /!?"']\@=+
\ matchgroup=sgmlTag end=+/+
\ contained
\ contains=sgmlError,sgmlAttrib,sgmlEqualValue,@sgmlTagHook
" SGML specific
" just highlight the trailing '/'
syn match sgmlAbbrEndTag +/+
" SGML specific
" abbreviated regions
" No highlighing, highlighing is done by contained elements.
" PROVIDES: @sgmlRegionHook
" <bold/Im Anfang war das Wort/
syn match sgmlAbbrRegion
\ +<[^/!?>"']\+/\_[^/]\+/+
\ contains=sgmlAbbrTag,sgmlAbbrEndTag,sgmlCdata,sgmlComment,sgmlEntity,sgmlUnicodeNumberData,@sgmlRegionHook
" real (non-empty) elements. We cannot do syntax folding
" as in xml, because end tags may be optional in sgml depending
" on the dtd.
" No highlighing, highlighing is done by contained elements.
" PROVIDES: @sgmlRegionHook
" <tag id="whoops">
" <!-- comment -->
" <another.tag></another.tag>
" <another.tag/>
" some data
" </tag>
" SGML specific:
" compared to xmlRegion:
" - removed folding
" - added a single '/'in the start pattern
syn region sgmlRegion
\ start=+<\z([^ /!?>"']\+\)\(\(\_[^/>]*[^/!?]>\)\|>\)+
\ end=+</\z1>+
\ contains=sgmlTag,sgmlEndTag,sgmlCdata,@sgmlRegionCluster,sgmlComment,sgmlEntity,sgmlUnicodeNumberData,@sgmlRegionHook
\ keepend
\ extend
" empty tags. Just a container, no highlighting.
" Compare this with sgmlTag.
" <tag id="lola"/>
" TODO use sgmlEmptyTag intead of sgmlTag
syn match sgmlEmptyRegion
\ +<[^ /!?>"']\(\_[^"'<>]\|"\_[^"]*"\|'\_[^']*'\)*/>+
\ contains=sgmlEmptyTag
" cluster which contains the above two elements
syn cluster sgmlRegionCluster contains=sgmlRegion,sgmlEmptyRegion,sgmlAbbrRegion
" &entities; compare with dtd
syn match sgmlEntity "&[^; \t]*;" contains=sgmlEntityPunct
syn match sgmlEntityPunct contained "[&.;]"
" The real comments (this implements the comments as defined by sgml,
" but not all sgml pages actually conform to it. Errors are flagged.
syn region sgmlComment start=+<!+ end=+>+ contains=sgmlCommentPart,sgmlString,sgmlCommentError,sgmlTodo
syn keyword sgmlTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX display
syn match sgmlCommentError contained "[^><!]"
syn region sgmlCommentPart contained start=+--+ end=+--+
" CData sections
" PROVIDES: @sgmlCdataHook
syn region sgmlCdata
\ start=+<!\[CDATA\[+
\ end=+]]>+
\ contains=sgmlCdataStart,sgmlCdataEnd,@sgmlCdataHook
\ keepend
\ extend
" using the following line instead leads to corrupt folding at CDATA regions
" syn match sgmlCdata +<!\[CDATA\[\_.\{-}]]>+ contains=sgmlCdataStart,sgmlCdataEnd,@sgmlCdataHook
syn match sgmlCdataStart +<!\[CDATA\[+ contained contains=sgmlCdataCdata
syn keyword sgmlCdataCdata CDATA contained
syn match sgmlCdataEnd +]]>+ contained
" Processing instructions
" This allows "?>" inside strings -- good idea?
syn region sgmlProcessing matchgroup=sgmlProcessingDelim start="<?" end="?>" contains=sgmlAttrib,sgmlEqualValue
" DTD -- we use dtd.vim here
syn region sgmlDocType matchgroup=sgmlDocTypeDecl start="\c<!DOCTYPE"he=s+2,rs=s+2 end=">" contains=sgmlDocTypeKeyword,sgmlInlineDTD,sgmlString
syn keyword sgmlDocTypeKeyword contained DOCTYPE PUBLIC SYSTEM
syn region sgmlInlineDTD contained start="\[" end="]" contains=@sgmlDTD
syn include @sgmlDTD <sfile>:p:h/dtd.vim
" synchronizing
" TODO !!! to be improved !!!
syn sync match sgmlSyncDT grouphere sgmlDocType +\_.\(<!DOCTYPE\)\@=+
" syn sync match sgmlSyncDT groupthere NONE +]>+
syn sync match sgmlSync grouphere sgmlRegion +\_.\(<[^ /!?>"']\+\)\@=+
" syn sync match sgmlSync grouphere sgmlRegion "<[^ /!?>"']*>"
syn sync match sgmlSync groupthere sgmlRegion +</[^ /!?>"']\+>+
syn sync minlines=100
" The default highlighting.
hi def link sgmlTodo Todo
hi def link sgmlTag Function
hi def link sgmlEndTag Identifier
" SGML specifig
hi def link sgmlAbbrEndTag Identifier
hi def link sgmlEmptyTag Function
hi def link sgmlEntity Statement
hi def link sgmlEntityPunct Type
hi def link sgmlAttribPunct Comment
hi def link sgmlAttrib Type
hi def link sgmlValue String
hi def link sgmlString String
hi def link sgmlComment Comment
hi def link sgmlCommentPart Comment
hi def link sgmlCommentError Error
hi def link sgmlError Error
hi def link sgmlProcessingDelim Comment
hi def link sgmlProcessing Type
hi def link sgmlCdata String
hi def link sgmlCdataCdata Statement
hi def link sgmlCdataStart Type
hi def link sgmlCdataEnd Type
hi def link sgmlDocTypeDecl Function
hi def link sgmlDocTypeKeyword Statement
hi def link sgmlInlineDTD Function
hi def link sgmlUnicodeNumberAttr Number
hi def link sgmlUnicodeSpecifierAttr SpecialChar
hi def link sgmlUnicodeNumberData Number
hi def link sgmlUnicodeSpecifierData SpecialChar
let b:current_syntax = "sgml"
let &cpo = s:sgml_cpo_save
unlet s:sgml_cpo_save
" vim: ts=8
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