D7net Mini Sh3LL v1
Current File : //proc/94/../409/../95/../30/../746/../600/../../sys/../bin/dpkg-gensymbols |
# dpkg-gensymbols
# Copyright © 2007 Raphaël Hertzog
# Copyright © 2007-2013 Guillem Jover <guillem@debian.org>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Dpkg ();
use Dpkg::Arch qw(get_host_arch);
use Dpkg::Package;
use Dpkg::Shlibs qw(get_library_paths);
use Dpkg::Shlibs::Objdump;
use Dpkg::Shlibs::SymbolFile;
use Dpkg::Gettext;
use Dpkg::ErrorHandling;
use Dpkg::Control::Info;
use Dpkg::Changelog::Parse;
use Dpkg::Path qw(check_files_are_the_same find_command);
my $packagebuilddir = 'debian/tmp';
my $sourceversion;
my $stdout;
my $oppackage;
my $compare = 1; # Bail on missing symbols by default
my $quiet = 0;
my $input;
my $output;
my $template_mode = 0; # non-template mode by default
my $verbose_output = 0;
my $debug = 0;
my $host_arch = get_host_arch();
sub version {
printf g_("Debian %s version %s.\n"), $Dpkg::PROGNAME, $Dpkg::PROGVERSION;
printf g_('
This is free software; see the GNU General Public License version 2 or
later for copying conditions. There is NO warranty.
sub usage {
printf g_(
'Usage: %s [<option>...]')
. "\n\n" . g_(
-l<library-path> add directory to private shared library search list.
-p<package> generate symbols file for package.
-P<package-build-dir> temporary build directory instead of debian/tmp.
-e<library> explicitly list libraries to scan.
-v<version> version of the packages (defaults to
version extracted from debian/changelog).
-c<level> compare generated symbols file with the reference
template in the debian directory and fail if
difference is too important; level goes from 0 for
no check, to 4 for all checks (default level is 1).
-q keep quiet and never emit any warnings or
generate a diff between generated symbols
file and the reference template.
-I<file> force usage of <file> as reference symbols
file instead of the default file.
-O[<file>] write to stdout (or <file>), not .../DEBIAN/symbols.
-t write in template mode (tags are not
processed and included in output).
-V verbose output; write deprecated symbols and pattern
matching symbols as comments (in template mode only).
-a<arch> assume <arch> as host architecture when processing
symbol files.
-d display debug information during work.
-?, --help show this help message.
--version show the version.
'), $Dpkg::PROGNAME;
my @files;
while (@ARGV) {
$_ = shift(@ARGV);
if (m/^-p/p) {
$oppackage = ${^POSTMATCH};
my $err = pkg_name_is_illegal($oppackage);
error(g_("illegal package name '%s': %s"), $oppackage, $err) if $err;
} elsif (m/^-l(.*)$/) {
} elsif (m/^-c(\d)?$/) {
$compare = $1 // 1;
} elsif (m/^-q$/) {
$quiet = 1;
} elsif (m/^-d$/) {
$debug = 1;
} elsif (m/^-v(.+)$/) {
$sourceversion = $1;
} elsif (m/^-e(.+)$/) {
my $file = $1;
if (-e $file) {
push @files, $file;
} else {
my @to_add = glob($file);
push @files, @to_add;
warning(g_("pattern '%s' did not match any file"), $file)
unless scalar(@to_add);
} elsif (m/^-P(.+)$/) {
$packagebuilddir = $1;
$packagebuilddir =~ s{/+$}{};
} elsif (m/^-O$/) {
$stdout = 1;
} elsif (m/^-I(.+)$/) {
$input = $1;
} elsif (m/^-O(.+)$/) {
$output = $1;
} elsif (m/^-t$/) {
$template_mode = 1;
} elsif (m/^-V$/) {
$verbose_output = 1;
} elsif (m/^-a(.+)$/) {
$host_arch = $1;
} elsif (m/^-(?:\?|-help)$/) {
} elsif (m/^--version$/) {
} else {
usageerr(g_("unknown option '%s'"), $_);
report_options(debug_level => $debug);
umask 0022; # ensure sane default permissions for created files
if (not defined($sourceversion)) {
my $changelog = changelog_parse();
$sourceversion = $changelog->{'Version'};
if (not defined($oppackage)) {
my $control = Dpkg::Control::Info->new();
my @packages = map { $_->{'Package'} } $control->get_packages();
if (@packages == 0) {
error(g_('no package stanza found in control info'));
} elsif (@packages > 1) {
error(g_('must specify package since control info has many (%s)'),
$oppackage = $packages[0];
my $symfile = Dpkg::Shlibs::SymbolFile->new(arch => $host_arch);
my $ref_symfile = Dpkg::Shlibs::SymbolFile->new(arch => $host_arch);
# Load source-provided symbol information
foreach my $file ($input, $output, "debian/$oppackage.symbols.$host_arch",
"debian/symbols.$host_arch", "debian/$oppackage.symbols",
if (defined $file and -e $file) {
debug(1, "Using references symbols from $file");
$ref_symfile->load($file) if $compare || ! $quiet;
# Scan package build dir looking for libraries
if (not scalar @files) {
PATH: foreach my $path (get_library_paths()) {
my $libdir = "$packagebuilddir$path";
$libdir =~ s{/+}{/}g;
lstat $libdir;
next if not -d _;
next if -l _; # Skip directories which are symlinks
# Skip any directory _below_ a symlink as well
my $updir = $libdir;
while (($updir =~ s{/[^/]*$}{}) and
not check_files_are_the_same($packagebuilddir, $updir)) {
next PATH if -l $updir;
opendir(my $libdir_dh, "$libdir")
or syserr(g_("can't read directory %s: %s"), $libdir, $!);
push @files, grep {
/(\.so\.|\.so$)/ && -f &&
} map { "$libdir/$_" } readdir($libdir_dh);
closedir $libdir_dh;
# Merge symbol information
my $od = Dpkg::Shlibs::Objdump->new();
foreach my $file (@files) {
debug(1, "Scanning $file for symbol information");
my $objid = $od->analyze($file);
unless (defined($objid) && $objid) {
warning(g_("Dpkg::Shlibs::Objdump couldn't parse %s\n"), $file);
my $object = $od->get_object($objid);
if ($object->{SONAME}) { # Objects without soname are of no interest
debug(1, "Merging symbols from $file as $object->{SONAME}");
if (not $symfile->has_object($object->{SONAME})) {
$symfile->create_object($object->{SONAME}, "$oppackage #MINVER#");
$symfile->merge_symbols($object, $sourceversion);
} else {
debug(1, "File $file doesn't have a soname. Ignoring.");
$symfile->clear_except(keys %{$od->{objects}});
# Write out symbols files
if ($stdout) {
$output = g_('<standard output>');
$symfile->output(\*STDOUT, package => $oppackage,
template_mode => $template_mode,
with_pattern_matches => $verbose_output,
with_deprecated => $verbose_output);
} else {
unless (defined($output)) {
unless ($symfile->is_empty()) {
$output = "$packagebuilddir/DEBIAN/symbols";
mkdir("$packagebuilddir/DEBIAN") if not -e "$packagebuilddir/DEBIAN";
if (defined($output)) {
debug(1, "Storing symbols in $output.");
$symfile->save($output, package => $oppackage,
template_mode => $template_mode,
with_pattern_matches => $verbose_output,
with_deprecated => $verbose_output);
} else {
debug(1, 'No symbol information to store.');
# Check if generated files differs from reference file
my $exitcode = 0;
sub compare_problem
my ($level, $msg, @args) = @_;
if ($compare >= $level) {
errormsg($msg, @args);
$exitcode = $level;
} else {
warning($msg, @args) unless $quiet;
if ($compare || ! $quiet) {
# Compare
if (my @libs = $symfile->get_new_libs($ref_symfile)) {
compare_problem(4, g_('new libraries appeared in the symbols file: %s'), "@libs");
if (my @libs = $symfile->get_lost_libs($ref_symfile)) {
compare_problem(3, g_('some libraries disappeared in the symbols file: %s'), "@libs");
if ($symfile->get_new_symbols($ref_symfile)) {
compare_problem(2, g_('some new symbols appeared in the symbols file: %s'),
g_('see diff output below'));
if ($symfile->get_lost_symbols($ref_symfile)) {
compare_problem(1, g_('some symbols or patterns disappeared in the symbols file: %s'),
g_('see diff output below'))
unless ($quiet) {
require File::Temp;
require Digest::MD5;
my $file_label;
# Compare template symbols files before and after
my $before = File::Temp->new(TEMPLATE=>'dpkg-gensymbolsXXXXXX');
my $after = File::Temp->new(TEMPLATE=>'dpkg-gensymbolsXXXXXX');
if ($ref_symfile->{file}) {
$file_label = $ref_symfile->{file};
} else {
$file_label = 'new_symbol_file';
$ref_symfile->output($before, package => $oppackage, template_mode => 1);
$symfile->output($after, package => $oppackage, template_mode => 1);
seek $before, 0, 0;
seek $after, 0, 0;
my ($md5_before, $md5_after) = (Digest::MD5->new(), Digest::MD5->new());
# Output diffs between symbols files if any
if ($md5_before->hexdigest() ne $md5_after->hexdigest()) {
if (not defined($output)) {
warning(g_('the generated symbols file is empty'));
} elsif (defined($ref_symfile->{file})) {
warning(g_("%s doesn't match completely %s"),
$output, $ref_symfile->{file});
} else {
warning(g_('no debian/symbols file used as basis for generating %s'),
my ($a, $b) = ($before->filename, $after->filename);
my $diff_label = sprintf('%s (%s_%s_%s)', $file_label, $oppackage,
$sourceversion, $host_arch);
system('diff', '-u', '-L', $diff_label, $a, $b) if find_command('diff');
AnonSec - 2021 | Recode By D7net