D7net Mini Sh3LL v1
Current File : //proc/94/../409/../95/../30/../746/../600/../../sys/../bin/dpkg-genbuildinfo |
# dpkg-genbuildinfo
# Copyright © 1996 Ian Jackson
# Copyright © 2000,2001 Wichert Akkerman
# Copyright © 2003-2013 Yann Dirson <dirson@debian.org>
# Copyright © 2006-2016 Guillem Jover <guillem@debian.org>
# Copyright © 2014 Niko Tyni <ntyni@debian.org>
# Copyright © 2014-2015 Jérémy Bobbio <lunar@debian.org>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
use strict;
use warnings;
use List::Util qw(any);
use Cwd;
use File::Basename;
use POSIX qw(:fcntl_h :locale_h strftime);
use Dpkg ();
use Dpkg::Gettext;
use Dpkg::Checksums;
use Dpkg::ErrorHandling;
use Dpkg::Arch qw(get_build_arch get_host_arch debarch_eq);
use Dpkg::Build::Types;
use Dpkg::Build::Info qw(get_build_env_whitelist);
use Dpkg::BuildOptions;
use Dpkg::BuildFlags;
use Dpkg::BuildProfiles qw(get_build_profiles);
use Dpkg::Control::Info;
use Dpkg::Control::Fields;
use Dpkg::Control;
use Dpkg::Changelog::Parse;
use Dpkg::Deps;
use Dpkg::Dist::Files;
use Dpkg::Lock;
use Dpkg::Version;
use Dpkg::Vendor qw(get_current_vendor run_vendor_hook);
my $controlfile = 'debian/control';
my $changelogfile = 'debian/changelog';
my $changelogformat;
my $fileslistfile = 'debian/files';
my $uploadfilesdir = '..';
my $outputfile;
my $stdout = 0;
my $admindir = $Dpkg::ADMINDIR;
my %use_feature = (
kernel => 0,
path => 0,
my @build_profiles = get_build_profiles();
my $buildinfo_format = '1.0';
my $buildinfo;
my $checksums = Dpkg::Checksums->new();
my %archadded;
my @archvalues;
sub get_build_date {
my $date;
setlocale(LC_TIME, 'C');
$date = strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %T %z', localtime);
setlocale(LC_TIME, '');
return $date;
# There is almost the same function in dpkg-checkbuilddeps, they probably
# should be factored out.
sub parse_status {
my $status = shift;
my $facts = Dpkg::Deps::KnownFacts->new();
my %depends;
my @essential_pkgs;
local $/ = '';
open my $status_fh, '<', $status or syserr(g_('cannot open %s'), $status);
while (<$status_fh>) {
next unless /^Status: .*ok installed$/m;
my ($package) = /^Package: (.*)$/m;
my ($version) = /^Version: (.*)$/m;
my ($arch) = /^Architecture: (.*)$/m;
my ($multiarch) = /^Multi-Arch: (.*)$/m;
$facts->add_installed_package($package, $version, $arch, $multiarch);
if (/^Essential: yes$/m) {
push @essential_pkgs, $package;
if (/^Provides: (.*)$/m) {
my $provides = deps_parse($1, reduce_arch => 1, union => 1);
next if not defined $provides;
deps_iterate($provides, sub {
my $dep = shift;
$facts->add_provided_package($dep->{package}, $dep->{relation},
$dep->{version}, $package);
foreach my $deptype (qw(Pre-Depends Depends)) {
next unless /^$deptype: (.*)$/m;
my $depends = $1;
foreach (split /,\s*/, $depends) {
push @{$depends{"$package:$arch"}}, $_;
close $status_fh;
return ($facts, \%depends, \@essential_pkgs);
sub append_deps {
my $pkgs = shift;
foreach my $dep_str (@_) {
next unless $dep_str;
my $deps = deps_parse($dep_str, reduce_restrictions => 1,
build_dep => 1,
build_profiles => \@build_profiles);
# We add every sub-dependencies as we cannot know which package in
# an OR dependency has been effectively used.
deps_iterate($deps, sub {
push @{$pkgs},
$_[0]->{package} . (defined $_[0]->{archqual} ? ':' . $_[0]->{archqual} : '');
sub collect_installed_builddeps {
my $control = shift;
my ($facts, $depends, $essential_pkgs) = parse_status("$admindir/status");
my %seen_pkgs;
my @unprocessed_pkgs;
# Parse essential packages list.
if (build_has_any(BUILD_ARCH_DEP)) {
if (build_has_any(BUILD_ARCH_INDEP)) {
my $installed_deps = Dpkg::Deps::AND->new();
while (my $pkg_name = shift @unprocessed_pkgs) {
next if $seen_pkgs{$pkg_name};
$seen_pkgs{$pkg_name} = 1;
my $required_architecture;
if ($pkg_name =~ /\A(.*):(.*)\z/) {
$pkg_name = $1;
my $arch = $2;
$required_architecture = $arch if $arch !~ /\A(?:all|any|native)\Z/
my $pkg;
my $qualified_pkg_name;
foreach my $installed_pkg (@{$facts->{pkg}->{$pkg_name}}) {
if (!defined $required_architecture ||
$required_architecture eq $installed_pkg->{architecture}) {
$pkg = $installed_pkg;
$qualified_pkg_name = $pkg_name . ':' . $installed_pkg->{architecture};
if (defined $pkg) {
my $version = $pkg->{version};
my $architecture = $pkg->{architecture};
my $new_deps_str = defined $depends->{$qualified_pkg_name} ? deps_concat(@{$depends->{$qualified_pkg_name}}) : '';
my $new_deps = deps_parse($new_deps_str);
if (!defined $required_architecture) {
$installed_deps->add(Dpkg::Deps::Simple->new("$pkg_name (= $version)"));
} else {
$installed_deps->add(Dpkg::Deps::Simple->new("$qualified_pkg_name (= $version)"));
# Dependencies of foreign packages are also foreign packages
# (or Arch:all) so we need to qualify them as well. We figure
# out if the package is actually foreign by searching for an
# installed package of the right architecture.
deps_iterate($new_deps, sub {
my $dep = shift;
return unless defined $facts->{pkg}->{$dep->{package}};
$dep->{archqual} //= $architecture
if any { $_[0]->{architecture} eq $architecture }, @{$facts->{pkg}->{$dep->{package}}};
# We add every sub-dependencies as we cannot know which package
# in an OR dependency has been effectively used.
deps_iterate($new_deps, sub {
push @unprocessed_pkgs,
$_[0]->{package} . (defined $_[0]->{archqual} ? ':' . $_[0]->{archqual} : '');
} elsif (defined $facts->{virtualpkg}->{$pkg_name}) {
# virtual package: we cannot know for sure which implementation
# is the one that has been used, so let's add them all...
foreach my $provided (@{$facts->{virtualpkg}->{$pkg_name}}) {
push @unprocessed_pkgs, $provided->{provider};
# else: it is a package in an OR dependency that has been otherwise
# satisfied.
$installed_deps = "\n" . $installed_deps->output();
$installed_deps =~ s/, /,\n/g;
return $installed_deps;
sub cleansed_environment {
# Consider only whitelisted variables which are not supposed to leak
# local user information.
my %env = map {
$_ => $ENV{$_}
} grep {
exists $ENV{$_}
} get_build_env_whitelist();
# Record flags from dpkg-buildflags.
my $bf = Dpkg::BuildFlags->new();
foreach my $flag ($bf->list()) {
next if $bf->get_origin($flag) eq 'vendor';
# We do not need to record *_{STRIP,APPEND,PREPEND} as they
# have been used already to compute the above value.
$env{"DEB_${flag}_SET"} = $bf->get($flag);
return join "\n", map { $_ . '="' . ($env{$_} =~ s/"/\\"/gr) . '"' }
sort keys %env;
sub version {
printf g_("Debian %s version %s.\n"), $Dpkg::PROGNAME, $Dpkg::PROGVERSION;
printf g_('
This is free software; see the GNU General Public License version 2 or
later for copying conditions. There is NO warranty.
sub usage {
printf g_(
'Usage: %s [<option>...]')
. "\n\n" . g_(
--build=<type>[,...] specify the build <type>: full, source, binary,
any, all (default is \'full\').
-c<control-file> get control info from this file.
-l<changelog-file> get per-version info from this file.
-f<files-list-file> get .deb files list from this file.
-F<changelog-format> force changelog format.
-O[<buildinfo-file>] write to stdout (or <buildinfo-file>).
-u<upload-files-dir> directory with files (default is '..').
--always-include-kernel always include Build-Kernel-Version.
--always-include-path always include Build-Path.
--admindir=<directory> change the administrative directory.
-?, --help show this help message.
--version show the version.
"), $Dpkg::PROGNAME;
my $build_opts = Dpkg::BuildOptions->new();
$build_opts->parse_features('buildinfo', \%use_feature);
while (@ARGV) {
$_ = shift @ARGV ;
if (m/^--build=(.*)$/) {
set_build_type_from_options($1, $_);
} elsif (m/^-c(.*)$/) {
$controlfile = $1;
} elsif (m/^-l(.*)$/) {
$changelogfile = $1;
} elsif (m/^-f(.*)$/) {
$fileslistfile = $1;
} elsif (m/^-F([0-9a-z]+)$/) {
$changelogformat = $1;
} elsif (m/^-u(.*)$/) {
$uploadfilesdir = $1;
} elsif (m/^-O$/) {
$stdout = 1;
} elsif (m/^-O(.*)$/) {
$outputfile = $1;
} elsif (m/^--buildinfo-id=.*$/) {
# Deprecated option
warning('--buildinfo-id is deprecated, it is without effect');
} elsif (m/^--always-include-kernel$/) {
$use_feature{kernel} = 1;
} elsif (m/^--always-include-path$/) {
$use_feature{path} = 1;
} elsif (m/^--admindir=(.*)$/) {
$admindir = $1;
} elsif (m/^-(?:\?|-help)$/) {
} elsif (m/^--version$/) {
} else {
usageerr(g_("unknown option '%s'"), $_);
my $control = Dpkg::Control::Info->new($controlfile);
my $fields = Dpkg::Control->new(type => CTRL_FILE_BUILDINFO);
my $dist = Dpkg::Dist::Files->new();
# Retrieve info from the current changelog entry.
my %options = (file => $changelogfile);
$options{changelogformat} = $changelogformat if $changelogformat;
my $changelog = changelog_parse(%options);
# Retrieve info from the former changelog entry to handle binNMUs.
$options{count} = 1;
$options{offset} = 1;
my $prev_changelog = changelog_parse(%options);
my $sourceversion = $changelog->{'Binary-Only'} ?
$prev_changelog->{'Version'} : $changelog->{'Version'};
my $binaryversion = Dpkg::Version->new($changelog->{'Version'});
# Include .dsc if available.
my $spackage = $changelog->{'Source'};
(my $sversion = $sourceversion) =~ s/^\d+://;
if (build_has_any(BUILD_SOURCE)) {
my $dsc = "${spackage}_${sversion}.dsc";
$checksums->add_from_file("$uploadfilesdir/$dsc", key => $dsc);
push @archvalues, 'source';
my $dist_count = 0;
$dist_count = $dist->load($fileslistfile) if -e $fileslistfile;
if (build_has_any(BUILD_BINARY)) {
error(g_('binary build with no binary artifacts found; .buildinfo is meaningless'))
if $dist_count == 0;
foreach my $file ($dist->get_files()) {
# Make us a bit idempotent.
next if $file->{filename} =~ m/\.buildinfo$/;
my $path = "$uploadfilesdir/$file->{filename}";
$checksums->add_from_file($path, key => $file->{filename});
if (defined $file->{package_type} and $file->{package_type} =~ m/^u?deb$/) {
push @archvalues, $file->{arch}
if defined $file->{arch} and not $archadded{$file->{arch}}++;
$fields->{'Format'} = $buildinfo_format;
$fields->{'Source'} = $spackage;
$fields->{'Binary'} = join(' ', map { $_->{'Package'} } $control->get_packages());
# Avoid overly long line by splitting over multiple lines.
if (length($fields->{'Binary'}) > 980) {
$fields->{'Binary'} =~ s/(.{0,980}) /$1\n/g;
$fields->{'Architecture'} = join ' ', sort @archvalues;
$fields->{'Version'} = $binaryversion;
if ($changelog->{'Binary-Only'}) {
$fields->{'Source'} .= ' (' . $sourceversion . ')';
$fields->{'Binary-Only-Changes'} =
$changelog->{'Changes'} . "\n\n"
. ' -- ' . $changelog->{'Maintainer'}
. ' ' . $changelog->{'Date'};
$fields->{'Build-Origin'} = get_current_vendor();
$fields->{'Build-Architecture'} = get_build_arch();
$fields->{'Build-Date'} = get_build_date();
if ($use_feature{kernel}) {
my (undef, undef, $kern_rel, $kern_ver, undef) = POSIX::uname();
$fields->{'Build-Kernel-Version'} = "$kern_rel $kern_ver";
my $cwd = getcwd();
if ($use_feature{path}) {
$fields->{'Build-Path'} = $cwd;
} else {
# Only include the build path if its root path is considered acceptable
# by the vendor.
foreach my $root_path (run_vendor_hook('builtin-system-build-paths')) {
if (index($cwd, $root_path) == 0) {
$fields->{'Build-Path'} = $cwd;
$fields->{'Build-Tainted-By'} = "\n" . join "\n", run_vendor_hook('build-tainted-by');
$fields->{'Installed-Build-Depends'} = collect_installed_builddeps($control);
$fields->{'Environment'} = "\n" . cleansed_environment();
# Generate the buildinfo filename.
if ($stdout) {
# Nothing to do.
} elsif (defined $outputfile) {
$buildinfo = basename($outputfile);
} else {
my $arch;
if (build_has_any(BUILD_ARCH_DEP)) {
$arch = get_host_arch();
} elsif (build_has_any(BUILD_ARCH_INDEP)) {
$arch = 'all';
} elsif (build_has_any(BUILD_SOURCE)) {
$arch = 'source';
my $bversion = $binaryversion->as_string(omit_epoch => 1);
$buildinfo = "${spackage}_${bversion}_${arch}.buildinfo";
$outputfile = "$uploadfilesdir/$buildinfo";
# Write out the generated .buildinfo file.
if ($stdout) {
} else {
my $section = $control->get_source->{'Section'} || '-';
my $priority = $control->get_source->{'Priority'} || '-';
# Obtain a lock on debian/control to avoid simultaneous updates
# of debian/files when parallel building is in use
my $lockfh;
my $lockfile = 'debian/control';
$lockfile = $controlfile if not -e $lockfile;
sysopen $lockfh, $lockfile, O_WRONLY
or syserr(g_('cannot write %s'), $lockfile);
file_lock($lockfh, $lockfile);
$dist = Dpkg::Dist::Files->new();
$dist->load($fileslistfile) if -e $fileslistfile;
foreach my $file ($dist->get_files()) {
if (defined $file->{package} &&
$file->{package} eq $spackage &&
$file->{package_type} eq 'buildinfo' &&
(debarch_eq($file->{arch}, $fields->{'Architecture'}) ||
debarch_eq($file->{arch}, 'all') ||
debarch_eq($file->{arch}, 'source'))) {
$dist->add_file($buildinfo, $section, $priority);
rename "$fileslistfile.new", $fileslistfile
or syserr(g_('install new files list file'));
# Release the lock
close $lockfh or syserr(g_('cannot close %s'), $lockfile);
rename "$outputfile.new", $outputfile
or syserr(g_("cannot install output buildinfo file '%s'"), $outputfile);
AnonSec - 2021 | Recode By D7net