D7net Mini Sh3LL v1
Current File : //proc/562/../90/../106/../133/../../lib/byobu/../php/../x86_64-linux-gnu/perl-base/fields.pm |
use 5.008;
package fields;
require 5.005;
use strict;
no strict 'refs';
unless( eval q{require warnings::register; warnings::register->import; 1} ) {
*warnings::warnif = sub {
require Carp;
our %attr;
our $VERSION = '2.24';
$VERSION =~ tr/_//d;
# constant.pm is slow
sub PUBLIC () { 2**0 }
sub PRIVATE () { 2**1 }
sub INHERITED () { 2**2 }
sub PROTECTED () { 2**3 }
# The %attr hash holds the attributes of the currently assigned fields
# per class. The hash is indexed by class names and the hash value is
# an array reference. The first element in the array is the lowest field
# number not belonging to a base class. The remaining elements' indices
# are the field numbers. The values are integer bit masks, or undef
# in the case of base class private fields (which occupy a slot but are
# otherwise irrelevant to the class).
sub import {
my $class = shift;
return unless @_;
my $package = caller(0);
# avoid possible typo warnings
%{"$package\::FIELDS"} = () unless %{"$package\::FIELDS"};
my $fields = \%{"$package\::FIELDS"};
my $fattr = ($attr{$package} ||= [1]);
my $next = @$fattr;
# Quiet pseudo-hash deprecation warning for uses of fields::new.
bless \%{"$package\::FIELDS"}, 'pseudohash';
if ($next > $fattr->[0]
and ($fields->{$_[0]} || 0) >= $fattr->[0])
# There are already fields not belonging to base classes.
# Looks like a possible module reload...
$next = $fattr->[0];
foreach my $f (@_) {
my $fno = $fields->{$f};
# Allow the module to be reloaded so long as field positions
# have not changed.
if ($fno and $fno != $next) {
require Carp;
if ($fno < $fattr->[0]) {
if ($] < 5.006001) {
warn("Hides field '$f' in base class") if $^W;
} else {
warnings::warnif("Hides field '$f' in base class") ;
} else {
Carp::croak("Field name '$f' already in use");
$fields->{$f} = $next;
$fattr->[$next] = ($f =~ /^_/) ? PRIVATE : PUBLIC;
$next += 1;
if (@$fattr > $next) {
# Well, we gave them the benefit of the doubt by guessing the
# module was reloaded, but they appear to be declaring fields
# in more than one place. We can't be sure (without some extra
# bookkeeping) that the rest of the fields will be declared or
# have the same positions, so punt.
require Carp;
Carp::croak ("Reloaded module must declare all fields at once");
sub inherit {
require base;
goto &base::inherit_fields;
sub _dump # sometimes useful for debugging
for my $pkg (sort keys %attr) {
print "\n$pkg";
if (@{"$pkg\::ISA"}) {
print " (", join(", ", @{"$pkg\::ISA"}), ")";
print "\n";
my $fields = \%{"$pkg\::FIELDS"};
for my $f (sort {$fields->{$a} <=> $fields->{$b}} keys %$fields) {
my $no = $fields->{$f};
print " $no: $f";
my $fattr = $attr{$pkg}[$no];
if (defined $fattr) {
my @a;
push(@a, "public") if $fattr & PUBLIC;
push(@a, "private") if $fattr & PRIVATE;
push(@a, "inherited") if $fattr & INHERITED;
print "\t(", join(", ", @a), ")";
print "\n";
if ($] < 5.009) {
*new = sub {
my $class = shift;
$class = ref $class if ref $class;
return bless [\%{$class . "::FIELDS"}], $class;
} else {
*new = sub {
my $class = shift;
$class = ref $class if ref $class;
require Hash::Util;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
# The lock_keys() prototype won't work since we require Hash::Util :(
&Hash::Util::lock_keys(\%$self, _accessible_keys($class));
return $self;
sub _accessible_keys {
my ($class) = @_;
return (
keys %{$class.'::FIELDS'},
map(_accessible_keys($_), @{$class.'::ISA'}),
sub phash {
die "Pseudo-hashes have been removed from Perl" if $] >= 5.009;
my $h;
my $v;
if (@_) {
if (ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY') {
my $a = shift;
@$h{@$a} = 1 .. @$a;
if (@_) {
$v = shift;
unless (! @_ and ref $v eq 'ARRAY') {
require Carp;
Carp::croak ("Expected at most two array refs\n");
else {
if (@_ % 2) {
require Carp;
Carp::croak ("Odd number of elements initializing pseudo-hash\n");
my $i = 0;
@$h{grep ++$i % 2, @_} = 1 .. @_ / 2;
$i = 0;
$v = [grep $i++ % 2, @_];
else {
$h = {};
$v = [];
[ $h, @$v ];
AnonSec - 2021 | Recode By D7net