D7net Mini Sh3LL v1
OFF | cURL : OFF | WGET : ON | Perl : ON | Python : OFF Directory (0755) : /lib/../../lib32/../bin/ |
Current File : //lib/../../lib32/../bin/podebconf-display-po |
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use File::Temp;
use Getopt::Long;
sub usage {
my $rc = shift;
print "Usage: podebconf-display-po [-h] [-f frontend] file.po\n";
my $help = 0;
my $frontend = '';
"h|help" => \$help,
"f|frontend=s" => \$frontend,
) || usage(1);
usage(0) if $help;
usage(1) if $#ARGV != 0;
sub unescapechar {
my $char = shift;
if ($char eq 'n') {
# Add a space to conform to debconf templates format
return "\n ";
} elsif ($char eq 't') {
return "\t";
} elsif ($char eq 'r') {
return "\r";
} else {
# Fallback also works for \\ and \"
return $char;
sub unescapestr {
my $text = shift;
my $out = '';
my $last = 0;
while ($text =~ m/\G([^\\]*)\\([ntr"\\])/g) {
$last = pos($text);
$out .= $1 . unescapechar($2);
$out .= substr($text, $last);
return $out;
# Format 1: No "Type:" in comments
# Format 2: Only one reference per string and file, line numbers
# match the ones in templates files
# Format 3: All references are written into PO files; first template
# is numbered from 1001, 2nd from 2001 etc.
sub guessFormat {
my $text = shift;
return 1 unless $text =~ m/^#\. Type:/;
while ($text =~ s/#:\s*([^:\s]+):(\d+)/#:/) {
my ($file,$line) = ($1, $2);
return 2 if $line < 1000;
return 3;
# 1. Read the PO file and write a fake templates file
my $fields = {};
my $rfc822Format = 0;
# Recode PO files into UTF-8 to avoid stateful encodings
open(PO, "msgconv -t UTF-8 $ARGV[0] |")
or die "'msgconv -t UTF-8 $ARGV[0]' failed: $!\n";
local $/ = "\n\n";
while (<PO>) {
next unless m/^msgid/m;
# Skip header entry
next if m/^msgid ""$/m;
my $type = '';
my $field = '';
m/^msgid "(.*)"/m;
my $msgid = unescapestr($1);
m/^msgstr "(.*)"/m;
my $msgstr = unescapestr($1);
# Escape dollar signs to prevent variable substitutions
$msgid =~ s/\$/\${dollarsign}/g;
$msgstr =~ s/\$/\${dollarsign}/g;
$rfc822Format = guessFormat($_) if $rfc822Format == 0;
while (s/#:\s*([^:\s]+):(\d+)/#:/) {
my ($file,$line) = ($1, $2);
my $tmp = $_;
if ($rfc822Format == 1) {
# Old format
1 while ($tmp =~ s/^#\.\s+(.*)//m);
$field = $1;
} else {
# New format
if ($tmp =~ s/^#\. Type:\s*(\S+)\n//) {
$type = lc($1);
# The entropy-text type is a plugin
$type = "text" if $type eq "entropy-text";
if ($tmp =~ s/^#\. (\S+)\n//) {
$field = $1;
$field = ucfirst($field);
$fields->{$file} = {} unless defined($fields->{$file});
if (defined $fields->{$file}->{$line}) {
if ($field eq 'Choices') {
if ($msgstr =~ m/,/) {
warn "The translation of Choices ".
"should not contain commas. ".
"Please fix the translation ".
"of '$msgid'.";
$fields->{$file}->{$line}->{msgid} .= ", ".$msgid;
$fields->{$file}->{$line}->{msgstr} .= ", ".$msgstr;
} else {
$fields->{$file}->{$line}->{msgid} .= "\n ".($fields->{$file}->{$line}->{msgid} =~ m/\n/ ? ".\n " : '').$msgid;
$fields->{$file}->{$line}->{msgstr} .= "\n ".($fields->{$file}->{$line}->{msgstr} =~ m/\n/ ? ".\n " : '').$msgstr;
} else {
$fields->{$file}->{$line} = {
type => $type,
field => $field,
msgid => $msgid,
msgstr => $msgstr,
line => $line,
# Translated fields in the generated templates file will be written
# with an extension which is suitable for current user's environment.
# Of course, there will be trouble if there is some encoding mismatch.
my $lang = $ENV{LANGUAGE} || $ENV{LC_ALL} || $ENV{LC_MESSAGES} || $ENV{LANG} || $ARGV[0];
$lang =~ s/:.*//;
# For filename
$lang =~ s{.*/}{};
$lang =~ s/\.po$//;
# For locale variables. Charset and modifiers have to be stripped.
$lang =~ s/[.@].*//;
my $count = 0;
my $new = 1;
my $choices = 0;
my @tempfiles = ();
my ($fh, $template) = File::Temp::tempfile()
or die "Unable to write temporary files";
push (@tempfiles, $template);
$SIG{INT} = sub { unlink (@tempfiles); exit(1); };
my $titles = {};
# TODO: Refactor this code
if ($rfc822Format < 3) {
for my $file (keys %$fields) {
for (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$fields->{$file}}) {
$titles->{$count} = 1 if ($fields->{$file}->{$_}->{type} =~ m/title/);
print $fh "Template: foo/bar$count\n" if $new;
if ($fields->{$file}->{$_}->{field} eq 'Description') {
print $fh "Type: ".
(length($fields->{$file}->{$_}->{type}) ?
$fields->{$file}->{$_}->{type} :
($choices ? "select" : "string"))."\n";
} elsif ($fields->{$file}->{$_}->{field} eq 'Choices') {
$choices = 1;
} elsif ($fields->{$file}->{$_}->{field} eq 'DefaultChoice') {
$fields->{$file}->{$_}->{field} = 'Default';
if ($fields->{$file}->{$_}->{field} eq 'Description' && $choices == 0 && $fields->{$file}->{$_}->{type} =~ m/select/)
# Dummy Choices field, needed to display the
# question.
print $fh "Choices: dummy1, dummy2\n";
print $fh "$fields->{$file}->{$_}->{field}: $fields->{$file}->{$_}->{msgid}\n";
print $fh "$fields->{$file}->{$_}->{field}-$lang.UTF-8: $fields->{$file}->{$_}->{msgstr}\n";
$new = 0;
if ($fields->{$file}->{$_}->{field} eq 'Description') {
$new = 1;
$choices = 0;
print $fh "\n";
my $text = "";
my %last = ();
for my $file (keys %$fields) {
my $oldTemplateNr = 0;
for (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$fields->{$file}}) {
$titles->{$count} = 1 if ($fields->{$file}->{$_}->{type} =~ m/title/);
my $newTemplateNr = sprintf("%d", $_ / 1000);
if ($newTemplateNr != $oldTemplateNr) {
if ($count > 0) {
printf $fh "\nTemplate: foo/bar%d\n", $count - 1;
print $fh "Type: ".
(length($last{type}) ? $last{type} :
($choices ? "select" : "string"))."\n";
if ($choices == 0 && $last{type} =~ m/select/)
# Dummy Choices field, needed to display the
# question.
print $fh "Choices: dummy1, dummy2\n";
print $fh "$text\n";
$choices = 0;
$text = "";
$oldTemplateNr = $newTemplateNr;
%last = %{$fields->{$file}->{$_}};
if ($fields->{$file}->{$_}->{field} eq 'Choices') {
$choices = 1;
} elsif ($fields->{$file}->{$_}->{field} eq 'DefaultChoice') {
$fields->{$file}->{$_}->{field} = 'Default';
# debconf is kind enough to not display a Select question if there
# is only one choice, so add a dummy item
if ($fields->{$file}->{$_}->{field} eq 'Choices' && $fields->{$file}->{$_}->{type} eq 'select' && $fields->{$file}->{$_}->{msgid} !~ /,/) {
$fields->{$file}->{$_}->{msgid} .= ", dummy2";
$fields->{$file}->{$_}->{msgstr} .= ", dummy2";
$text .= "$fields->{$file}->{$_}->{field}: $fields->{$file}->{$_}->{msgid}\n";
$text .= "$fields->{$file}->{$_}->{field}-$lang.UTF-8: $fields->{$file}->{$_}->{msgstr}\n";
if ($text ne "") {
printf $fh "Template: foo/bar%d\n", $count - 1;
print $fh "Type: ".
(length($last{type}) ? $last{type} :
($choices ? "select" : "string"))."\n";
if ($choices == 0 && $last{type} =~ m/select/)
# Dummy Choices field, needed to display the
# question.
print $fh "Choices: dummy1, dummy2\n";
print $fh "$text";
# 2. Load the templates file in debconf DB
use Debconf::Db;
use Debconf::AutoSelect qw(:all);
use Debconf::Config;
my ($dbth, $dbt) = File::Temp::tempfile()
or die "Unable to write temporary files";
my ($dbch, $dbc) = File::Temp::tempfile()
or die "Unable to write temporary files";
push (@tempfiles, $dbt, $dbc);
my %hashconfig = (
driver => "File",
mode => '0600',
name => "config",
backup => 0,
filename => $dbc
my %hashtemplates = (
driver => "File",
mode => '0600',
name => "templates",
backup => 0,
filename => $dbt
Debconf::Template->load($template, 'display');
unlink $template;
# 3. Display questions
Debconf::Config->frontend($frontend) if length($frontend);
my $dc_frontend=make_frontend();
my $dc_confmodule=make_confmodule();
my $code=127;
my $cnt = 0;
while (1) {
$_="RESET foo/bar$cnt\n";
my $ret=$dc_confmodule->process_command($_);
if ($titles->{$cnt}) {
$_="SETTITLE foo/bar$cnt\n";
$_="SUBST foo/bar$cnt dollarsign \$\n";
$_="INPUT high foo/bar$cnt\n";
($code, undef)=split(/ /, $ret, 2);
last if $code ne 0 && $code ne 30;
($code, undef)=split(/ /, $ret, 2);
unlink $dbt, $dbc;
AnonSec - 2021 | Recode By D7net